All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Rejoice! MetalVPS accounts might still be available!
Hello again from a/k/a Tom Miller a/k/a @Not_Oles a/k/a the clueless™ guy!
Our wonderful piece of shite antique server, Darkstar, might have a few accounts still available.
Almost all Darkstar neighbors are and have been either computer professionals or diligent students.
We especially are looking for new Darkstar neighbors who know vastly more than @Not_Oles and who are willing to pay for the privilege of trying to teach a clueless™ guy. If you are qualified for and enthusiastic about this exceedingly difficult task, please send an email to the address on @Not_Oles' LET profile. Alternatively, a PM is okay too.
If you are a student or a beginning beginner, you're still definitely welcome! MetalVPS tries to pay it forward.
Free or lower priced accounts sometimes are available for advanced users, students, and others unable or reluctant to allocate the full $20.22 monthly fee. No payment is due from new neighbors until their accounts are fully set up and they are 100% satisfied. Payments may be made via Paypal or Stripe.
Please keep in mind:
MetalVPS is White Hat!
Delivery might take awhile!
No warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. No service level agreement. Not for business use. Intended especially for computer learning and fun!
MetalVPS has no onboarding, no knowledge base, no customer management system, and no VPS install hypervisor.
Today, Darkstar is running the full "everything" version of Slackware64-current.
Slackware64-current requires reboots at least every week or ten days for kernel updates.
Darkstar accounts are traditional shell accounts with a command line prompt on the node. From your shell you can set up a GUI and whatever else you want. If requested, and in addition to your shell account, Darkstar accounts can be delivered with a Debian sid VPS already set up and running.
Darkstar has additional toys ready for you to use (and @Not_Oles would love for you to add more):
root@darkstar:~# ls /usr/local/src
expect/ gforth/ mtr/ netcat/ oksh/ qemu/ qemu-obj/ riscv-gnu-toolchain/ rlwrap/
root@darkstar:~# ls /opt
containerd/ docker/ docker-20.10.16.tgz
The riscv-gnu-toolchain was installed for MIT's Operating Systems course. Darkstar can run Xv6.
Darkstar has a separate 100G /altroot primary partition just begging for debootstrap, LinuxFromScratch, and friends.
Darkstar neighbors often (but not always) get full root access. iLO access can be arranged. Other MetalVPSians can see your account name, some or all of the processes you are running, and much other information, maybe even everything. So, please do not put confidential information on Darkstar.
Darkstar neighbors do their own backups . . . frequently, because . . . Darkstar is ephemeral!
Darkstar node specs:
-- Server: HP BL460c G6
-- CPU: 2 x Xeon L5630 4-Core = 8 cores = 16 threads
-- RAM: 48 GB DDR3 ECC
-- Hard Drive: 2 x 400GB SAS SSD, Hardware RAID 1
-- IP Addresses: IPv4/29, IPv6/64
-- Connection: 1 GBit/s port
-- Bandwidth: 10 TB
-- Datacenter: Colocated with Level One Servers inside Carrier-1, Dallas, Texas, USA 🇺🇸
Please check or comment here if you need additional information!
Thanks very much!
Signature should be in English.
新的行政厨房套件是我的保护伞 可疑的临时野蛮经济变成了漂亮的营养能量不足
It's so simple, you are not using any type of billing panel or site theme. also the payment system is manual.
Its fine if you are okay with it.
but don't you think it's like hard to review every order and process it manually?
Just asking.
Hi @servzen!
Thanks for your question!
MetalVPS doesn't get many orders, so processing orders manually is not a problem. Payment is never a problem either. The MetalVPS neighbors are wonderful about payments! They somehow remember when payments are due, and they always send payments on time.
If there ever is anything I can do to help you, please feel free to get in touch via PM or the email on my profile.
Best wishes from New York City and Mexico! 🗽🇺🇸🇲🇽🏜️
I like the idea of community this might create (like a tilde host, but with root) and we had a similar linux box at uni (on a 100MHz PC back when slackware was first a thing), and it was a great way for people to learn new things and nobody was especially upset if things got accidentally destroyed.
That said, I'm surprised it's so expensive given that most people who just want a box to experiment can get a whole machine to themselves for similar money.
EDIT: re-reading it again, I think I misunderstood. It's only root on your own VPS, not that you're sharing root on the bare host with others. In that case, I don't understand where the community aspect comes from and why you'd choose this over cheaper VPS providers.
Sir, I believe that some kind souls just enjoy supporting dear Tom and his most unusual endeavour, and good for them, good for everyone, bully!
I don’t fucking get it either. Some sort of cult?
I think this is for people with weird fetishes. Like taking your family to a nude beach because you enjoy others watching you.
Its same on this server, everything you do, eyes are watching 👀
No, you had it right the first time. Root on the host is what he's giving.
I wouldn't take the risk selling something like that personally, but it seems he's having fun for now. He'll need to be careful who he sells to for it to stay fun.
@SirFoxy posted a Chinese translation of @yoursunny's signature as it appeared when @yoursunny said "No" to @SirFoxy's request that I remove non-English words from my signature.
At the relevant time, @yoursunny's signature said:
Hi @ralf! Thanks for your comment! Yeah, we have backups, so it's all okay whatever happens accidentally. Everybody makes mistakes!
Darkstar cost $30 to buy and $30 per month for happy colocation with @Ian_Dot_Tech. If we compare Darkstar's features with her cost, she's about the best deal in the entire Low End market.
Darkstar accounts cost $20.21 monthly, or less upon agreement, or they're even sometimes free.
If you can, please suggest a specific offer of a "whole machine" for less money than a Darkstar account. I'm asking seriously, because I do want another server.
Sorry my post isn't more clear!
Root on the node sometimes is available in addition to iLO access. Right now there are five accounts on the node, three of which have node root and only one has iLO access. The accounts which do not have root and iLO access probably could get these for the asking.
Not with Darkstar's features. Not even close. But, yes, a "whole machine."
Correct! Thanks for your comment!
Everybody on Darkstar knows more than me. Nobody is running any continuing services. I get to talk with my Darkstar neighbors. I learn from them.
Raspberry pi's.
And anyone can co-locate a much better box with more than $30 investment.
But it's the use case... anyone who truly needs bare metal would be better suited just having it next to them with a free PC. I'm recycling better PC's than your server just because I can't donate it anywhere and not worth my time.
Anyway, what you consider features, I don't.
Haha nice!
Not available at the moment, and agreed the specs are much lower than your entire box, but I was thinking of my KS-LE-1 that I got on Black Friday. It's not a match for your entire machine, but for $15 its better value than sharing a machine for $20.
That wasn't meant as a dig either, btw. I think yours is a great idea, and hope you get a nice little community there. It was just an observation that if the goal is just experimenting with KVM etc, there are other ways to do it for little money, and also someone else won't break what you're doing.
No offense taken. No worries!
Thanks for your kind words @ralf!
The main attraction for me is that I get to learn from my MetalVPS neighbors.
They use different command line shells, different provisioning methods, and different programming languages to accomplish different tasks. Some are more interested in front end, and others in back end. Some are very theoretical and research oriented. Most of the neighbors tend to have fun stuff running on various VPSes to which sometimes they give me access.
I get to talk with and learn from all my MetalVPS neighbors, which is great! 
MetalVPS neighbors tend to come and go as life continues. Right now things are quiet. I visit Darkstar a few times a day. I update Slackware64-current whenever updates are available. Recently I've also been updating a test VPS running Debian sid. The most recent new thing on Darkstar is a Docker install. I'm looking forward to a lot more fun on Darkstar!
In further relentless refactoring of my analysis here of @yoursunny's signature quoted above, please see also for @yoursunny's analysis of an @Nekki signature. Then please apply @yoursunny's analytic method to @yoursunny's signature.
I got that "New executive kitchen kit" = @Nekki. The semi-colon initially threw me off. I thought "mu" was meant as a Chinese word in pinyin (not too unreasonable in the context of @SirFoxy's Chinese post), but I couldn't grok the pinyin for "stbe. . . ." Luckily one of the MetalVPS Math Team ("MMT") guys was available. He got it instantly.
personally i host a lot of anal on my slice of darkstar
Personally I host a lot of push-ups on my corner of gardens.
Did push-ups break a Ryzen?
Thanks @yoursunny! Much appreciated!
I sort of want Darkstar chaos. Imagine a whole bunch of dedis with multiple root users on a vlan
ID love one of these shells i tried posting in your low end spirit thread but cant
Free C shells in the Seychelles! 🤩
Do you know why you can't post in the other thread?