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Questions about windows server standard licenses
Hello guys,
I hope everyone is doing well!
I'm soon starting my game hosting business. Pterodactyl stuff and TCADMIN and Dedicated servers (re-selling) them from Hetzner, OVH, Reliablesite etc...
I have one question, how do I do to offer Windows licenses? I saw that to get SPLA partner is a pain and I don't want to get any problems with Microsoft.
Should I put on the order page (Bring Your Own Key for Windows Server Standard)? I see some providers doing this. Even the big ones, but how do they make sure that the user is not using (gray-market) keys and that could bring problems for the provider if a user does that correct?
Should I resell the providers own licenses?
I would appreciate someone guiding me due I don't want to have any problem with Microsoft.
Thank you everyone!
No, signup for their partner programm (it's going to be expensive) and get a license via their portal or
Better than allowing any unverified keys. If you host with those big providers who're Microsoft partners, I wouldn't bring anything at risk.
I'm a new business I don't have budget to get the Microsoft partner program, but how much it would cost? I'm interested. Also where is this program located?
Thank you!