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Do anyone know how fas flux server was made and how it work??
Hello guys I got some questions here...
how the fas flux server actually works what are make it hidden from the source IP of the server,
what kind of technique the setup does. I am really interested in networking security and what is needed to have to do a private fasflux server.
I know this is kind of illegal to ask but my curiosity ended here looking for a piece of knowledge for educational purposes. dose them have a source of back door server and then using the IP of the backdoored server and acting it the source come from there.
how does actually it works.. if anyone knows about this I really want to learn and give reward who know about it. I'm just a server setup enthusiastic nothing more nothing less just a human with curiosity that plays on his mind.
asking it all the way I got becos I google a lot seems can't find the answer of it things getting complicated and harder to understand it.
P/S: any Linux server administrator can tech me here I will paid you handsomely for a decent knowledge...
knowledge is powerful you can become someone special and different from others.
OP means fast flux, i.e. malware and phishing delivery. This should be closed since LET is white hat.
to be honest. im laugh at my self to read your guys comment its like its nothing guys I just want to know how to do it and how they do it. it make me interested want to learn more about it
Easy answer:
OP just needs to keep an eye on some of the malware analysis blogs, they usually contain a good amount of detail, links to decompiled or leaked malware source code, and everything else that they might need to learn about such stuff.
Are we on HackForums now?
I love the complexity.
Normal botnet: Every compromised host used.
This botnet: Every compromised host used, but slightly different.
Got ourselves some revolutionary stuff there.
callin it now. Another tinyW alt