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DA Nginx + Apache large file downloads failing
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DA Nginx + Apache large file downloads failing

chipchip Member

Direct admin issue with large file downloads failing

The file is 28gb

Pc downloads 12 ish GB and the slows down and stops

Direct admin process usage shows nginx worker process memory usage climbing and when the free memory drops low download stops and then the memory usage drops

I can't be the only one this has happened too?


  • tjntjn Member
    • Do you have a CDN in front of Nginx?
    • Anything related to fastcgi_read_timeout or proxy_max_temp_file_size in your config?
    • Any errors in your log?
    • How much RAM do you have on your VPS?
  • chipchip Member

    @tjn said:

    • Do you have a CDN in front of Nginx?
    • Anything related to fastcgi_read_timeout or proxy_max_temp_file_size in your config?
    • Any errors in your log?
    • How much RAM do you have on your VPS?

    No no CDN

    The vps has 6gb ram and 3-4 gb swap file

    I'm not sure about the errors actually didn't look there

    And as for the config I will have to take a look

    Thanks for helping


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