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Is Litespeed (Openlitespeed) a brainwashing cult?
should we ask the obvious question now that Litespeed shills are part of some weird cult?
these guys are mostly newbies who are using Wordpress and not very high-tech skills, some low self-esteem web designers who want to feel high-tech
they go around posting propaganda fake "benchmarks" to online forums about how Litespeed is faster than everything, better than everything, and no questions ever allowed... if you question about their claims they have an automatic response "just try it! just try it!" every time and unable to talk about Linux technical concepts
seriously weird shit and even they got like 10% affiliate fees for each license or something but still cannot explain how brainwashed these young children are about Litespeed
- cult members ignore questions
- punish users who ask questions and shame them or kicked out
- groupthink and want to please the group always
- shame or shunning if you leave them
- very private group
from Google it's the signs of a cult, is that exactly how many Litespeed fans are acting? correct or not
it seems very similar and I never saw before in the software community....
original post
also epic
You Again!!?
Are you trying to be an anti LS cult?
I see a whole hell of a lot more of you than I do any other mention of LS anywhere. You're like the koolaid guy, breaks through the wall and starts shouting without taking the chance to read the room.
I think it's time we all ask you to point to the part of the doll that litespeed touched. I'm assuming it's not the penis because there's no way you'd be this obsessed with a mediocre web server if you had somewhere to put it. Start a GoFundMe and I'll chip in $10 toward your first BJ if you'll shut up, and that's coming from someone who wouldn't even notice if LS disappeared.
I bet @Nekki would match my $10.
Curiously enough, in my 1-year stay on LET I have never seen an LS zealot, sure a lot of people use it but they're not trying to shove it down everybody else's throats.
You on the other hand...
Same but add 9 years.
You can look at Shared Hosting Offers.
There are many hosts using DirectAdmin and Litespeed.
So, we saw Nginx vs Apache, now vs LiteSpeed. What's next on the agenda? MySQL vs MSSQL? Or maybe good old Win vs Lin?
This thread should be closed and measures to prevent it from appearing applied with harsh e-punishment.
did u drop ur soap when litespeed was behind u or what?!
why are there multiple providers using litespeed on shared hosting?
if u say groupthink, how big is the group of litespeed userbase vs apache/nginx?
i use ols and its as good, if not a hair bit faster than nginx and slightly less cpu on a non WP site.
BFCM is coming so stop wasting thread space unless u gotta 90% off coupon for nginx user.
The end is nigh.
I hate PMSing boys.
ok this is starting to unironically funny
cuckolding is required step #1 for joining the cult or what?? Litespeed fans cannot stop talking about rape fantasy every day wtf Cuckspeed
Bukkake Gulper Lev. 1 so many LS cult members trying hard to reach Lev. 2 ...
I'm in. If you can find someone who let you pop it up their messed up arsehole for $50, I'll cover that too.
Gotta ask but … why do you care? If someone is happy making a site and using lite speed, why not just be supportive? What is the value of criticizing them?
I understand where you're coming from, but that form of thinking you're witnessing is something you have to learn to circumvent as it is endless and somewhat of a norm.
It's interesting that the notion of you getting laid so quickly correlates to rape in your mind. Maybe you'd like to talk about the fact that the only way you can see yourself finding a hole to stick it in is by force.
I'll take a cuck over an Nginx shill any day. You're literally the only person on this site shilling for a web server, and that you can't see that is why it's meme worthy. That I can say this and you still won't see it increases the meme value exponentially.
isn't that sad? the internet is around for few decades already and social media vibe is getting more negative and everyone has their gang, I think affiliate links are a big problem
and marketing companies realized that anger is the biggest motivation so everything is gangs
you finish high school and think it will be different but worse even
where is yours?
Even if that cuck was an apache/nginx fangirl?
Everyone in the room needs to share the same vision or things get weird. It's prefork Apache or no dice.
Are you really sure? The apache lady is 90 years old, and the nginx woman is only 20 years old. Take your pick.
no u
Yes, comes with Cogent and Apache.
I believe the solution to dealing with this is some form of stoicism, but yes, I know where you're coming from.