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Our service is quite niche. Some people expect more than this niche is.
The fact that i personally just was handling a ticket for a customer who has been with us for more than 11 years, and remember by name, speaks volumes to the contrary of "bad service". People don't stick with you for more than a decade, especially on this type of service, unless they really really like what you offer.
As for deluge plugins; Check the deluge documentation for plugin install & support on 2.0 series. There are just way too many use cases for us to support them all (ways people use the service) in managed fashion. Dev time, a scarce resource, will be spent on what benefits the largest amount of users.
We try to do better all the time, but resources are limited for a small business like ours who has not to just manage server software and support, but also the DC, Servers, networking etc. etc. It's a lot of work just to get new servers online, and to maintain constant network growth.
Sorry for those who feel they got disservice, maybe next time we can do better.
@Merlincool heard loud and clear that this service might not fit your needs, and you might be better served with full root access where you can control everything yourself. If that is the case, feel free to ask for refund even if you are beyond your 14day period, if paypal allows it we'll make it happen for you. Reference this thread. Same goes for @o_be_one as well. (Obiwan!) Not sure what the Paypal time limit is, it can be anything from 30 to 90 days i believe, or if you have that sitting in credit but need a dedi we'd be happy to offer you a discount.
Also @Merlincool the servers got filled real fast, so a few servers are still enduring from several heavy users settling in. You can also ask for server migration --- we like to avoid those as they can take several hours of staff time tho, but feel free to ask it. (On the contrary, if you don't need data migration it's just a few minutes of staff time tho!)
We are working to bring regular full root dedis available too for those who need it, some backend work has been done to that end.
We realize this service is not for everyone, and we are a bit legacy, been in business for more than a decade, fossils in internet age!! so for some people this does not fit. Little by little we try to change that to what people expect today. We just might've been concentrating too much on the hardware side of things instead of software
On other note, most of this promo people has been taking M10G S ... So wished to see some YABS / NENCH.SH / BENCH.SH from them, but no one has made one, dang it!
There's a bandwidth upgrade coming for bulk of the M10G series within a few weeks i believe as well. Some have already premium bandwidth installed temporarily.
Oh also @xetsys @Gary + others thanks for kind words and talking about your positive experiences!
People talk about the positive way way too rarely, and after a day working on customer support it's a welcome sight
Someone sent a question what does "There's a bandwidth upgrade coming for bulk of the M10G series within a few weeks i believe as well. Some have already premium bandwidth installed temporarily." mean?
It means that a few 10G series goes straight to edge currently temporary, bypassing rack switches. Also it means that we will distribute more bandwidth soon to the rack switches, ie. more 10G links. They are not congested, but high RTT latency throughput speeds can start suffering from as low usage as 50% on the rack uplinks, so this will give more headroom for those who have really high RTT latency.
100(12MBps) mbps all day and night is allowed on 6tb plan right or is it too much?
I wish you were able to serve the support as well as your public answer.. The talk would be a lot nicer and easier for both of us. Alright i'll answer our support ticket and hope this will help to close the case.
It's just customers (could be few). At the beginning i guess you were less annoyed by noisy customers complaining for nothing, your energy was more positive and you were according more importance to the support you were offering. 11y debugging people, fixing weird bugs, answering weird questions, being rejected because our answer is "no", play a big role in our mood. Also since this niche is having lot of different people, i can't imagine how harassing some of them can be.
Unfortunately this nice story doesn't mean that today your service is still good, it just means that you maybe respect longterm customers (and yeah, they are important, this one probably started to believe in you at the beginning). Also for him, it means more free storage, as you have some interesting rewards for long term customers.
It's my humble guess for sure, as i don't have your experience as a founder / owner in this kind of niche.
Yes / No, it depends on overall server load. But if the server remains snappy, go for it. If not, then throttle down.
You are correct on this, i am the founder, 11+ years of answering questions and having to deal with the nastiest types of people, can and will wear you down. We've been slowly making changes so, i as the founder and owner of the business don't have to deal with support so much; Preferrably not at all.
When it comes to customer care, the old adage that s**t rolls downhill is completely wrong. It climbs up.
There's a strong reason why we outright refuse to give any support for some things. Also some people expect you will give private tutoring/teach internet basics on personal basis, and even use the service for them for the sub 10€ a month you pay. In Finland 10€ doesn't even get you lunch.
There's also a reason bigger a company is the worse the customer care gets, or just harder to get. There's also a reason they call it the Helldesk.
You only see the issues, and also the worst of what humanity has to offer.
Oh the stories ... i could go on for hours.
And just writing this reply was hard, to try to keep even some semblence of positivity on a subject which by default is negative from this side of aisle. Could not find such a way as you can see.
So sometimes you can get people just at bad time on support as well.
General rule of thumb for us is now that if your head is in the wrong place your workday is over, come back tomorrow. It's better not to reply at all, than reply when your head is in the wrong place.
Think of your worst nightmare, and then some. Especially on the low cost side the worst of the humankind tends to turn out. Yet you just have to deal with them somehow, with the least amount of issues. But many times it's impossible when the customer is determined to find or create issues from get-go. If you look hard enough you can make even Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa look bad, or pick a fight with them. You can loose faith in humanity big time sometimes.
That one i mentioned actually refused an free upgrade. Go figure, i was offering to upgrade every facet of storage and performance, and this particular person actually refused it. Oh well
Customers who have remained for us a long time, no matter their budget, is just a treat to deal with. It's pleasant and easy, things just flow by it's own weight and often you get the extremely and exceedingly rare "Thank You". It just makes your day Just simple things like "Please", "Thank You" and asking if something is possible in a nice way, can make your day at helpdesk a good one. Sadly, those simple things seem to be forgotten on written medium way too often
I just renewed my instance a few months ago because I'm happy with it. Service does what I want for a great price. Also, just FWIW I've had two interactions with him over the past fourteen months and he's been respectful both times. Just judging by the amount of salt in your earlier response about the Paypal subscription I'd guess you played a part in the response you got.
I get your point. Fortunately no i always try to be nice with support as i understand how painful it could be. In his answer, PulsedMedia said "Please" and "Thank you" miss sometime, which is true. That's why for me it's definitively important to treat with an human an act nicely as much as possible, and be patient. That's why i've complained here, because i got an arsh answer while the request was polite and complete, asking for cooperation. Also, my answer to the support following the disliked answer was quite polite also, telling that it's ok we will asl PayPal what they think about.
As i want you all to be sure my request was not a salty one, here a copy of the request (removing personal informations):
Does it look like a salty support request to you @skorous ?
(note that PulsedMedia is "NuCode" on PayPal, and tells it's for PulsedMedia, so no misleading information. NexusBytes has proceed to the refund without asking anything, and yeah i've cancelled the auto payment ; it was first and only unexpected payment experience before, which is surprising it's happening now while im PayPal user since ~15 years xD)
Anyone able to provide details on how to install/setup radarr and sonarr in the user space? I didn’t see details about that in PulsedMedia website, faq or knowledge base.
Also, check out
URL Base needs to be set as - /user-xxxx/rutorrent/plugins/rpc/rpc.php
Try launching lib/apps/radarr.php, I dunno how to do it, I am seeing reference to it at , I would avoid poking it as I might break something and get banned by PulsedMedia lol as I dunno what I am doing.
Thanks. Happen to know the rpc for deluge?
ruTorrent doesn't set date to torrent added. I remember having this bug many years back and they still didn't fixed it? I cannot sort to added time because that column is empty.
Anyone know how to fix it? Changing date format doesn't fix it. It worked temporarily years back on my own server.
Seema that this is not fixed yet. Got it.
Click on "Edit Torrent", change nothing and just press "OK"
Also, see if you can sort via "Finished" column, it is like time since torrent finished
Nah, seems reasonable enough. Just for clarity though, you didn't get billed for a cancelled service. You actively sent them money for a service you cancelled.
This is afaik bug with rTorrent to best of my knowledge -- it has existed for more than a decade. Simply restarting rTorrent means that works again.
Updated KB to include this, PM me for bonus time to your service
Well at least there is a work around for that!
This. A lot of people thinks any company can charge anyone, anytime for any sum. This is not true. We barely even have the ability to occasionally, maybe sometimes to cancel subscriptions. Most of the time not even that.
Subscriptions are exactly like scheduled payments you setup for wiretransfers to pay your rent, car lease etc.
Further, refunds COST us money. Not just figuratively due to human time spent on it, but literally. Paypal does not refund us for the TRX Fees fully.
(FYI i got my refund. It took a PayPal dispute and a message here but yeah, i finnally got it. I got also advised to ensure no billing subscription is set when i cancel because refunding costs fees to provider. As i understand we have our own role in that, i strongly suggest provider to automaticly cancel subscription when service is cancelled, then no issue at all for both part)
What is "normal" for a provider is not always true for customers. We both have our own opinion and it depends how important is your customer experience at the end. We can talk for hours about this, we will have few interesting arguments. But finally, it never really help the provider as it creates fears to customers. Which could be seen as good to filter unwanted customers (like i am probably now regarding this).
Do you mean Paypal does not let you cancel subscription you set? I'm curious to know how some providers can (real question)?
I may be wrong but I believe you're fundamentally misunderstanding what a subscription is. The provider doesn't set it - you do. All the providers does is point you to PayPal. You enter a contract with PayPal of "I want you to automatically send [x] money every month." That contract is between you and PayPal which is why providers always tell you to pay attention to it. I think I remember reading that there is some ability for providers to cancel subscriptions but it's an all or nothing ( i.e. if you have more than one sub they all go away ).
We don't set it. You set it up.
I don't know how it happens, but sometimes there is no subscription ID, thus we cannot cancel it. I believe WHMCS might wipe it when service is cancelled, but WHMCS does not for some reason autocancel them always. I believe it sometimes cancels them, sometimes not... Maybe, not so sure.
If we have the subscription ID stored for the specific service, we can cancel manually from product view; but maybe that's the case where WHMCS can also autocancel them?
Not even sure if WHMCS ever autocancels them, just see on the log a lot of times cancellation request shortly followed by subscription cancelled or vice-versa.
Exactly this.
Ok i see more what you mean now with subscription. As a user i see the call coming from the provider so it sounds like provider set it for us, but in reality provider prepares the request for us and we approve it. Makes sens.
That's sad automatic cancellation request by provider is quite random with WHMCS. I guess as a user i was used to get cancellation initiated by providers (i've double checked and i've mail from OVH and other providers cancelling the subscription, the mail looks different than the one happening when i cancel a subscription).
Alright thanks for all explanations i will be sure to clear any subscription when i deal with a "smaller" company (when we compare with mainstreams one, i mean).
Just in case, the word "subscription" is has specific meaning in Paypal lingo which is different than the standard Invoice and pay method. That's why it's different from the "big" providers because none of them want the hassle of dealing with Subscriptions. The know nobody reads the screens and at that scale it doesn't make sense.
Yeah i've just seen i've 2 kind of mails:
And i've seen that NexusBytes did the subscription cancellation before i had time to do it, as the mail tell it. So here i see it's possible for a provider to cancel a payment subscription. Also i've seen that when i've cancelled one of my plans to Elementor, it was a subscription and they did proceed to the subscription cancellation. For a customer experience seeing both parts of possibilities could end in case like mine, i guess. WHMCS seems a big factory where understanding each features costs a lot of time so i can understand why some providers can't set correctly subscription cancellation.
I'm too lazy to check PayPal ToS about this, but i guess it would help to understand what is the best practice here.
EDIT: i've made some search about it and looks like for sbuscription issue like mine Paypal usually refuse to refund. Good to know, be careful with subscription and thanks PM for the refund ^^.
ToS about what? YOU signed up for the service, it's only natural YOU have to end it as well.
Also i would be curious to know thee reason to not just offering recurring payment instead of subscription?
(same question applies to me, why did i subscribed while PM offered also a button for a 1 time payment?)
For PayPal you need to pass and get approved for recurring billing agreements, it is not something that you can easily get and it is also not supported in all countries, I cannot speak for pulsed but it very well might be that the rule set of Finland prohibits PayPal from offering recurring agreements there.
Without approval for reference transactions by PayPal, then the only option for "automated" payments is a subscription
Unrelated, I saw Miss Finland on Pokerstars Shark Cage season 1, she did epic bluff lol
Still a bit of time to grab a seedbox under this special
try to order a 8tb box, but i get # The promotion code entered has expired #
Of the promo boxes, which is the best for Chia plotting?
None of them.
Any possibility of a new promo please?