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Inception Hosting acquired by Clouvider Limited
Inception Hosting acquired by Clouvider Limited
After many months of friendly discussion and negotiation Inception Hosting has been bought by Clouvider Limited. Inception Hosting will continue to operate as a separate company. You will see no changes, the invoices, payments and your contract(s) remain with Inception Hosting Limited.The history of Inception Hosting
Inception Hosting started from humble beginnings back in 2011 in part because I Anthony Smith, previous owner and director of Inception Hosting was as a service user frustrated with a lack of quality of service and care in the budget side of the market. Having spent a lot of years running enterprise-grade technical service desks and doing so to a high standard I knew it would not take much to provide a great alternative to many of the other hosts out there with a "you get what you pay for" frame of mind when it came to support and quality because usually, you did not even get that.It brought me great pleasure to generate a reputation as a stable, competent affordable yet quality hosting option in the budget end of the market often getting favourably compared to significantly more expensive option. However, in truth it has taken years and years of 12+ hour days, 7 days a week rarely with a day off for the last 10 years to get it to the stage it is at now.
What does the future hold?
With trends changing and significant development needed to innovate and advance the future offers available to customers; new and old, that meant some investment was needed in order to take things to the next level rather than tread water for years to come.Because Clouvider is already the trusted backend to over 70% of Inception Hosting's servers and often publicly acknowledged as a very high-quality network and server provider themselves with their demand for high standards and quality above all else it just made sense from my perspective for Inception Hosting to be absorbed by Clouvider in order to give it and Inception Hosting customers the best possible chance of being where it needs to be within the market over the next 10 years and it will be exciting to make available services from Inception Hosting in other Clouvider locations.
Many customers have now trusted Inception Hosting for a full 10 years and I am very excited for the future, I really believe this was the best move to position Inception Hosting where it needs to be to take the service and quality to the next level. To be clear Inception Hosting did not need to be sold, nothing was ever at risk this was a mutual meeting of minds, discussions took place over the best part of a year and both sides felt comfortable about the idea right away.
Is Anthony staying onboard?
Yes! I will remain active, employed now directly by Clouvider and part of my primary responsibilities will be to continue to look after Inception Hosting so not a huge amount will change for customers in the short/medium term although some new names may pop up on the support desk.I have a question...
If you have any questions or queries about this acquisition then please do not hesitate to
get in touch with us.Kind Regards,
Anthony Smith,
Team Inception Hosting
Anthony is no longer in this forum, but Inception Hosting has many customers here and those are pretty significant news, so I am posting the above email received a few minutes ago.
How dare you, @AnthonySmith ?
Well there's a thing.
We need to go deeper...
Clouvider Limited acquired by Telehouse
now THAT would be some inception hosting
congrats for bouth sides.
And in the final everything consumed by Tencent or Activision
First you have VPSBoard and it gets sold to KnownHost after promises to never belong to a host. Next you get LowEndSpirit whom proclaimed to be run by only Anthony, however, now Clouvider has its fingers in the pie. It's quite interesting how every single one of these forums that split and start because they are tired of corporate overlords then shortly sell out to one. I think the idea of a real low end community is just a joke anymore, seems no one can do it without getting their hands dirty.
And be real.. he needed the monetary infusion... or one would hope he would have had far more open eyes about how / what this would look like...
my 2 cents.
Who said the forum was part of the deal?
logged in to answer any questions that I can, duplicate thread over at LES also: which probably covers most of it.
All looks good so far.
Sorry, you feel that way @TheLinuxBug maybe I miss read some underlying snub because this is LET (I hope I do anyway) I can assure you though, the LES forum was explicitly excluded from the sale and clouvider were not interested in it anyway, if anyone keeps up to date there you will have seen over the last few months my plans are in place to hand it back to the community anyway which was always the plan.
but this is LET so I don't blame the attitude I expect it sadly.
I do not think that LES is included in the sale.
Maybe he just did not want to keep running the one-man show forever and wanted to have some time to enjoy life outside of work. He has been running the company almost alone for like a decade.
Business work that way. You create a business after that you find someone doing great things as well and you find out that your product could be better if you work together. One of both parts buy the another company and the another person receives a high position for the future of the company. Growing together better product better results for the owners . customers and the product itself. Profit
This is it pretty much, I could have kept doing this, but truthfully it is stagnant for me mentally, I have not actually had a real day off in 10 years, it needed to be refreshed, renewed, re-imagined and taken in a new direction.
Other hosts who are active here are welcome to confirm what I have said in private discussions last year, I was planning an exit one way or another.
dont complain , you like it !
@AnthonySmith can we expect official offer threads now from Inception Hosting here on LET?
Welcome back and good luck with @Clouvider !
I honestly don't know the answer to that right now, a lot of factors to consider there and honestly, they have been factors I have been putting off thinking about.
I'll post the ads for you so you never have to come here.
It happens, hope @AnthonySmith got a good deal out of it. I was in the same position not so long ago when I decided to sell. In the end, you do what is right for you.
Cheers, you are better at it than ... anyone... anyway so that's a big help
Congratz on the deal! All the best mate
All the best @AnthonySmith I know you picked well for all your customers
Congratulations @Clouvider_Dom & @AnthonySmith!
This is all business, there's no need to cry. Business is business, period.
Is a business period what business ladies have once monthly?
Congratulations @AnthonySmith, I hope you got a good deal out of it
Does this mean I'll see you over at the Clouvider helpdesk? 👀
I hope so, but that might be a few weeks yet
Congratulations @AnthonySmith and @Clouvider_Dom
damn will miss the uptime on my NL NAT thanks for that nice Service @AnthonySmith
hope to beat that on @Clouvider Amsterdam Network
You're grossly misrepresenting history.
vpsBoard was dead as a doornail when it was sold. @MannDude has the choice of either closing it or selling it and chose to sell it. So what's there now is more of a vpsBoard 2.0.
Also, I don't think @MannDude swore an oath in blood to always be pure. When he owned it, it was provider-independent. Now it's not. Everything was above-board though.
There is only one forum that is owned independently of any provider.
Link seems broken?
way ? is refresh the same page ? ... yes seems to be broken in this case . LOOOL.