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Need a VPS

I need a new VPS server. And I'm looking for properties in the following way.
Minumum Disk Space : 100 GB,
Guaranteed RAM : 2048
Burstable RAM : 4096
IP Addresses : 3 (I can change the Arin and Ripe whois happens much more beautiful. Example: etc.)
Bandwith: 2000 GB
Cpanel want to pay for 6 months and at least 6 months should be free. Server up backed at least monthly. Payment is made with paypal. I think 6 months to pay the fee and the 65 or maximum 90 $.
Company must be at least 2 years must be doing this job. Also, I watched the status of the server must have a panel like SolusVM. If the price is good for bids, a 1-year wage can pay.
Bids on this subject as possible, an e-mail address by typing "hello [-@-]" address to send.
Thank you.
check volumedrive
Thank you for your answer.
Looked at the company, but unfortunately there are no features I wanted. I think a company, I have reviewed and nice prices. but it turns off, a new company and what do I do tomorrow? All what I say to my customers and my friends? Does anyone have information about this company? Do you have working with this company? Might find these prices and looking for a firm that cPanel or DirectAdmin for free.
Well, you could check or this forum for reviews and opinions about that company.
You aren't going to get cPanel free in the price range you're after unless you're willing to pay $70 - $80/m.
Since you're posting on here you're likely hoping for a $30/m price with a pre-pay 6 months, 6 free. You'll find someone that will offer it, but they'll last just long enough to get outside of the paypal chargeback period.
VM2048 by 6 months of service in this service pack Virpus $ 112 from the giving. But now is not a good financial situation for a server I am looking for affordable. Meanwhile, firms engaged in the campaign can be. the problems I see on the Facebook pages.
I can pay to replace the figure. Average ranging from $ 65 USD to 90 looking for a server. Waiting for bids.
Why is this thread in
So what should be where?
@rajprakash: Good question :P
@EnginTopcuoglu: You are not going to get VPS with cPanel for $90 per year from reputable provider.
Maybe u can take a look at this
@EnginTopcuoglu is a sister site (per say) to which highlights providers with VPS offers pricing under $7 USD. Discussions about VPS offers in the $90USD range are not exactly pertinent discussion in a forum related to sub-$7USD VPS. I'd say your thread better belongs in the VPS section of WHT ( than here.
I think many of you read it wrong. I have an annual $ 90 I did not say. I said 6 months $ 90.
Will look at the link that you have provided. Thanks.
For $90 u can not get a VPS with those specs + cpanel
You might wanna take a look at this:
3gb guaranteed RAM, 6gb burstable, 6tb traffic
only problem: 50gb webspace. You might wanna contact their sales if you can upgrade that.
When you pay yearly you get the first 6 months of the server for free, which means 180$ for the server. A cPanel license is 425$ yearly which gives you 50$/month in the first year and 65$/month in the next ones.
idk if they charge any extra fees for IPs
I have the exact same server, if you need any benchmarks or so feel free to ask
I chose the product and from there I went to VServer PREMIUM X4. I started proceedings by pressing the Select button. 6 months free, says the system, but says $ 45 per month. Should I pay this fee every month or 6 months of this I wonder Is it charged?
I was also curious about that at first and contacted their support, but it turns out that it is normal. Remember that you need 1 year contract time for the 6 months free tho.
The invoice will look somewhat like this:
For $90 they cannot get cPanel for 1 year, much less a VPS tossed in for free. Partner NOC pricing is $10/mo for cPanel, why do I want to sell for $90 what costs me $120?
@EnginTopcuoglu you really need to advise what you want and a realistic price someone can hit, not this pie in the sky dream you have that will not happen.
In fact, you're right. 's look at the prices (virpus have worked with previously, but budget is not enough now) 6 months of service on a monthly basis ödeme'de VM2048 code number "$ 18.70" is made. $ 112 doing it in 6 months and multiply. And if you buy the service you receive at least 6 months as the price you are cpanel and directadmin. I am looking for a company like this Campaign.
I don't get it because my English sucks... do you want a VPS with that specs and with free CPANEL for $90 year? or $90 every 6 months?
Damn, open your eyes and stop dreaming
It's not really free either. Figured into the cost and what you're paying.
If I added cPanel to my 768mb ram/1.5gb burst VPS it would be around $15/month, which is $90/6 months. I don't think you will get those specs AND cPanel for $15/month.
Well not a legit CPanel copy at least....
go to WHT and search on bigbrainhost, if I remember correctly they have your specs + cpanel + managed for 23$/month...