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Lowendspirit goes shared hosting
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Lowendspirit goes shared hosting

mikhomikho Member, Host Rep
edited November 2013 in Providers

It's not vps related per se but I would like to mention that the project now includes free and paid for shared hosting.
The shared hosting part is driven with the same interest as the rest of the project.
First cpanel server is now live in Miami (with Inception Hosting) serving it's first customers. Feel free to sign up and try it out.

I am involved with the shared hosting part of the project, feel free to ask me any questions.

Thanked by 1Lee


  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider
  • mmmmmm, I wonder what's next. Lowendspirit goes dedi?

  • How many domains per account?

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @albertdb said:
    How many domains per account?

    depends on the need, default is set to 0 addon domains but that can be changed with a ticket explaining the "how many" and "why".

    This will however only be available of you bring your own domain when signing up, using a free sub-domain are not accepted.

  • @sundaymouse said:
    mmmmmm, I wonder what's next. Lowendspirit goes dedi?

    Now, THAT would be even awesomer!

  • @Liam

  • sundaymousesundaymouse Member
    edited November 2013

    PHP Hardware Info isn't blocked.

    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz Bogomips:4000.12 x6M

    Harddisk: 50GB in total, 10.6GB Used.

    RAM: 1.825G

    Traffic on eth0: 503 M / 672M

    Load: 0.00 0.02 0.00 2/185

    It appears that this operates inside a virtual environment. Awesome.

  • @sundaymouse said:
    PHP Hardware Info isn't blocked.
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz Bogomips:4000.12 x6
    Harddisk: 50GB in total, 10.6GB Used.
    RAM: 1.825G

    It appears that this operates inside a virtual environment. Awesome.

    It costs between $0 and $5 PER YEAR. It wouldn't be feasible to use a Dedicated server without a HUGE customer base.

  • @lukasubo said:
    It costs between $0 and $5 PER YEAR. It wouldn't be feasible to use a Dedicated server without a HUGE customer base.

    Sure, as a community project, it's already awesome.

  • @sundaymouse said:
    Sure, as a community project, it's already awesome.

    It really is. LowEndSpirit is also great. :)

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @sundaymouse said:
    It appears that this operates inside a virtual environment. Awesome.

    Less amount of people sharing the same IP, less problems? :)

  • @MikHo said:

    So it's what I thought that you split a dedicated into several VPS's and fill them with cPanel? It's a good way to reduce whole server crash.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Yeah, VM is good until its fast enought.

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    @Liam Norway is still on the wish list, I am just trugling to find a host that meets the minimum check list:

    <€50 (maybe a bit more for Norway)
    2 x IPv4 + Native IPv6
    4 GB Ram minimum
    500 GB Disk
    Allows irc

    If anyone can suggest a viable host I will stand Norway up in a week :)

    If freecpanelsharedhosting works out I am happy to fund a dedicated server for it, as it stands now it has been set up to tank as much as physically possible with an NginX front end proxy + other optimisations.

    Thanked by 1Liam
  • feline and canis = unlimited domain right?

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @jcaleb said:
    feline and canis = unlimited domain right?

    Will you need unlimited domains?

  • @MikHo said:
    Will you need unlimited domains?

    Not really boss. Was just clarifying

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    @jcaleb said:
    Not really boss. Was just clarifying

    Lets clarify, when you sign up you have one domain, the main account domain. If you need more domains connected to that account, open a ticket with the number and why. Problem will be solved.

    Thanked by 1jcaleb
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