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Reinstall Nginx and PHP-FPM
Hi all,
I've been playing around for VPSs for a few months now. I have no real expertise with Linux and command line, but I am trying to learn using tutorials. I've been able to set up a VPN, Wordpress site, Transmission server, and install DavMail (for scraping email from an Exchange web interface).
I have two VPSs - one AlienVPS, and one based in the UK. I think i've got the UK one sorted (a little wordpress website for my girlfriends music lesson business), but I'm still using the other as a 'play around' server.
I've stumped myself on installing a lemp suite so that i can install ajaxplorer (web file manager). I used one of the VPS scripts from here (minstall I think it was), but the install threw up a few errors along the way (I stupidly ran it as a non sudo user). I ended up with nginx working, but php not working. I tried removinx nginx and reinstalling, and now I'm stuck with no files in the nginx folder. This means I cannot start the service
I'd ordinarily reinstall the OpenVZ template and start again (harsh I know, but I am a newb), but this time I'd like to see if I can get some help on it first. Anyone? Please?
What Linux Distro are you using?
Debian? Centos?
You'd be more informative if you post them here using < pre > tag.
Then it should have done nothing.
Sorry, I am using Debian 6.
Where would I find the log files for it (if they still exist)?
Perhaps it wasnt the sudo issue then, but something certainly went wrong along the way.
@nimdy: Use the DotDeb Repo located here:
Then you can easily install nGinx + PHP-FPM. Make sure you read the instructions tab.
I have no issue using apt-get to install nginx, it just wont install the default nginx.conf file and sites-enabled / sites-available files. I cant find the default ones online anywhere.
Try 'apt-get --purge remove nginx', then re-install nginx from the DotDeb repo.
aptitude reinstall nginx
Also you might wanna install backports to get a more recent version of nginx. You can can information here for that:
dpkg -L
is your friend. This will let you know what files are located at for a package.Could just try deleting the folders then reinstalling? Its what I do, but it probably does more damage then good.
@AsuraHosting thanks for that. I did that and this command founf online:
apt-get -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install nginx
I seem to be running again now!
That's great to hear