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If you afraid that NGINX will become garbage, take a look at nice forks: a fork, rather software bundle.Hopefully not the old 'buy your competition out the way' game.
It is exactly that. Nginx's product line is identical to F5.
The guys who made a ton selling quit after a year, fork a version, make it better and then rinse and repeat.
My great grandpa used to tell me that chinese is going to take over the world!
So the end is nigh?
I am ethnically Chinese and I will tell you for a fact that historically that has never happened, and will not happen. Even the Mongols who took over China and ruled the Chinese had to stop at Europe. I don't know what your great-grandpa was smoking. Potassium?
obviously a shill!?
LOL. Then all the Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia are shills? That's a lot of us.
Anyway I have had a PRC Chinese call my mother a prostitute on LET so that's a good indication of my shill credential.
no they are not ! they just copy everything that worked in the developed world [zero to one] that isnt going to make them anybetter that what original is
It hurts to hear people keep saying Taiwan, Hong Kong are chinese.
It is correct to say we are Chinese. We are just not PRC Chinese.
nginx event loop with worker threads is pretty mediocre compared to fasthttp goroutines with its netpoller.
I don't see much future in nginx once people accept they can't use nginx+php for scalability.
Does it come with admin panel? Interesting read btw.
Not exactly a great comparison using two languages and two web servers. Apparently netpoller uses epoll, the same as NGINX.
NGINX is very efficient, speed often comes down to how you well you configure well written software.
Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) chinese?
It's efficient for serving static content.
But as soon as you try to use it as a web server, you need to put something like PHP on front, which kills performance(*).
(*)Nginx+php vs Fasthttp. 200k requests/second vs. 7 million/second @
So if we compare it purely as a static proxy, then Golang goroutines are superior than the event loop concurrency model.
The difference is far more likely down to one being a scripting language and the other being a compiled one. I get your point though.
People use PHP because it's easy to build things quickly. I've never used golang to say it's any better/worse for that.
A fairer comparison would be same language + choice of webserver.
Interesting statement and a bit weird, considering that goroutines are about concurrency while (in the given context) the event loop model is about handling NIO events.
So, how is network IO handeld in Go? Answer: with AIO which is just another term for event loop.
The fact that Go networking code is often faster than, say, C + libev code, is to do with Go messages (hopefully being used properly) and not with the event loop whose performance is determined by hardware and OS and, to a far lesser degree, implementation, e.g. libev vs. libuv.
That said, yes, nginx isn't the performance leader since quite a while but hen one also must see factors like (especially size of) user community, number of available and easy tutorials, versatility of the server, and other factors. And there nginx easily wins
To avoid misunderstandings: I'm not an nginx user myself so I have no interest to blindly defend it. But first you are comparing apples and oranges and second speed is important but not everything and often not even the decisive factor.
People's Republic of China?
I hope this is good for nginx but I fear this is not good...
Like my friend says 'change is always bad'.
Idk what you mean by messages. Proc.go scheduler simply puts each connection (goroutine) into an M queue that has a P (idle cpu). When the M blocks, the connection (g) is put to sleep and a new connection in queue runs.
This is similar to what nginx does with its worker pool, adds them to the run-loop, and process until completion. But golang does it faster.
What the hell are you talking about? This is lowendtalk, not scriptyourcmsingotalk. Fasthttp is fast but it's for go. Average LET'er script with php/html. And for traffic received to those scripted abominations... How to say that softly... Nginx is a efkin perfect.
What scripts??
The end is nigh!
I prefer my websites being delivered by the Chinese, rather than by the Russians.
It's a question of culture.
I was using Lighttpd way before I'd ever heard of nginx, and never had a reason to stop using Lighttpd so not a problem for me
What webserver(s) do you use?
I stopped using lighttpd years ago because it leaked memory. Didn't check it since then. Did it evolve well?
I liked hiawatha a lot. Since a while I'm using H2O for the few "normal" sites I run. Most of my (or clients) sites run my own app servers, sometimes behind a hiawatha or H2O proxy and some directly.
Keep in mind that I'm in the security field which invariably means strong static typed code and some other factors which again means that no existing server (except Ada Aws which however is usually way too slow and not exactly versatile) fits the bill (except as proxy front). Sadly. It would save me lots of work if there was a widespread secure http server available.
In case you are interested, the normal structure I use (for my app servers) is events based with a thread pool in the back.
As for H2O, I was thinking about that one too when I responded to Jona4s.H2O seems to be faster (and better IMO) than nginx but for nginx there are whole communities and 100s of sites with howtos and whatnot. So, although I have reasons to like H2O better I also have good reasons to recommend nginx to normal users who are not deep in the matter. And btw, from what I know nginx is by no means a bad server.
It looks very nice, I'm gonna try it. Thanks!