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#PrayForDonggala #PrayForPalu #PrayForIndonesia
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#PrayForDonggala #PrayForPalu #PrayForIndonesia

mexyulmexyul Member
edited September 2018 in General

Everyone, please pray for the people living in my country Indonesia especially to those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. It really breaks my heart when I saw the video. Some of my friends can't call their family because communication is interrupted.

Thanked by 2pxnji Ndha


  • HarambeHarambe Member, Host Rep

    That video is intense, for those that haven't seen it:

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    oh, that looks bad. I hope everything goes well.

  • Amin. May god bless you my neighbors

  • Yikes. Best of luck to the affected families and stay safe!

    I’d extend my prayers but it’s kind of cliché at this point.

    If any LET member needs help or anything, just ask and I’m sure that the community will try to work something out to help! :)

  • JanevskiJanevski Member
    edited September 2018

    That's bad! Wish you luck!

    If possible, if not stranded, go to higher grounds - a mountain or something far off the shore line and stay there, there might be aftershocks and more waves. I mean... Easier said than done and the tsunami doesn't noticeably tell when it's going to strike, but still, when there's one, there might be more quakes and waves. It can't last forever and it's going to stop after some time and recurrences, anyhow, but until then... Stay safe.

    Thanked by 1NanoG6
  • This is all very horrible and terrifying.

    I've been following the news on BBC, ever since they first posted that clip.

    Just reminds me I've already survived one tsunami by sheer luck in 2004. (our college tour bus was delayed a couple of hours; we were headed to Marina Beach, Chennai, that day)
    Parents freaked out for an odd-hour while we were on the highway with bad cell reception.)

  • adxnadxn Member, Host Rep
    edited October 2018

    @vimalware said:
    This is all very horrible and terrifying.

    I've been following the news on BBC, ever since they first posted that clip.

    Just reminds me I've already survived one tsunami by sheer luck in 2004. (our college tour bus was delayed a couple of hours; we were headed to Marina Beach, Chennai, that day)
    Parents freaked out for an odd-hour while we were on the highway with bad cell reception.)

    Even I was there in Chennai on that day, I was supposed to visit Pondicherry, I will never forget that day. Hope everyone recovers as fast as possible in Indonesia.

  • God bless you all there :/

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