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dd is not IO
Technically it is, it's reading In and writing Out.
Any input on what you consider acceptable speeds?
Run ioping -RD .
Any dd result over 50MB/s is completely usable for most purposes. Think about it, how often will you be doing 1GB Sequential writes on your VPS? The more important test result is iops, which can be measured with ioping, which should be VERY high on an SSD. I get about 1k IOPS on my workstation with a RAID 1 array of 7200RPM SATA Drives, and I get about 3k+ on one of my BlueVM OpenVZ VPSes, which is on a node with SSD Caching. I get 5k+ (IIRC) on my RamNode VPS, which is pure SSD.
i dunno, I see 8k+ iops on a non-SSD host, yet only 3.9K iops on a SSD host. The same non-SSD host shows 300 MB/s writes whereas the SSD host shows 1.1 G/s.
dd shows me throughput, and while I may not be sequentially writing 1GB of data, I do some things that create indexes of thousands of smaller amounts of data. If I can only write 50 MB/s, instead of 1.1 G/s, then my data processing is severely reduced.
Iops are important, but so is throughput.