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Working well so far, never really played bf3 or the earlier games but runs well and looks nice.
I have not played much but what I have played, the experience has been a bit "buggy": screen going black, punkbuster crashing, taking way too long on "Loading...", etc. However, once in game, it has pretty been good. I really enjoyed BF3 so I'm hoping BF4 is not a big let down.
Don't think the ultrabook would play nice with BF4 :P
I'm playing it on the Xbox 360, but i liked the BF3 BETA more though
Yeah, tried it.
Runs like crap for me, unless I run Windows 8.
I'm a big-time BF-fan here (even play it with a clan). Due to my honeymoon, haven't been able to try BF4. Will do so today! I'm really looking forward to it. I've got everything pre-ordered already so I'm good to go for the next year or two :-D
Bf4 is nice, but you cant pla the beta on win7. It is veeeerry laggy, even on low. With win8 I can play high/ultra. Hope they will fix that till release. Btw i have a gtx 570^^
Loving bf4. Now only if my ps4 arrives in time.
What are your PC specs?
My computer here at the office is an AMD FX-6300 6 core and GTX650. A little overkill for AOE when we play at the office but maybe just good enough for BF4?
Quite the work computer! :P
I seem to be lagging a lot in BF4 despite being able to run BF3 smoothly at relatively high settings (FX6300, HD7770)
Same here on my laptop, i can run BF3 @ Medium-High (custom graphic settings)
But when i play BF4 @ even the lowest graphics possible i will still lag like shit
But i still have an Xbox 360, so i'm playing BF4 on that xD
@zen I think your CPU is probably good for a long while. Those i7-2600K's are killer.
I get anywhere between 90-128 fps at Ultra settings. Been a Battlefield player since Battlefield 2, and am loving it!
You should be good. I have an AMD FX-8320 8-core and a GTX650 Ti Boost and it runs extremely smoothly here (except for some BETA-related lag which will either be sorted in the game or new drivers from nvidia).
Mine crashes
3rd gen i7, 16gb ram, gtx 660
Seems like a lot of people are playing the game. We've actually noticed and increase in our traffic patterns since the open beta began. We host a number of the large providers of BF4 servers.
Yeah for some reason even with a 3570k and a GTX680 i get some insane stuttering lag. W7 to blame?
I'm installing it now. Hope its good!!
Fresh install of the game and I have Punk Buster problems. Seems it's probably not running, so I'm heading to bed. I'll have to try and fix it tomorrow, grr.
Did you update PB manually? I had to do that to get past the loading screen...
Try the beta drivers from nVidia. I would personally recommend Win8, but it should work on Win7 as well.
I really love BF4 already. Levolution is awesome! I don't know how long the beta will last? I'll probably be back to BF3 for the next three weeks.
I have been on beta drivers. I am going to say its probably an issue with the new DirectX updates and windows 7. Specifically because W8 users have almost no issues.
Don't suppose you have a contact at EA? Would love to get our hands on a license for EA servers, lol.
Talk to Dice, not EA. The people in Sweden are the ones who control the ranked license pool.
Good luck, they hit their cut off and won't take anyone else from the looks/sounds of it they are playing hardball.
Decent game on pc