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LEA added in google adsense. They probably came along with those.
I thought Google Adsense has a "No Crappy, Battery Draining, CPU overheating Ads, Kernel Panic Galore" option?
Discussed here in the comments:
No idea. I surf with AdBlock and FlashBlock turned on so I see no ads. What are you talking about?!
There is sometimes a flash ad in between the post and the comments.
That means I have to remove LeB off the whitelist.
You can actually allow text and image ads, and block anything requiring javascript or embeds via some inane long adblock filter rule
Please do so
Seriously. Regulars like you won't be interested in the ads anyway. BSA pays me in fixed monthly amount regardless of impressions. AdSense only makes sense if you are really interested in those offers and make a click through. Otherwise they are just there burning your processing cycle. Don't feel that you have to white list LEB. Serving crap ads? Block it!
Hmm I'm going to have to screenshot as it isn't quite often the website owner tells you to block the ads :P.
The BSA ads had less junk in them, and just fitted well with the site.
Now getting some
$50 per month VPS 256MB with a Cloud Label on it,
Agreed. Currently a single VPS offer, one regular shared hosting and 2 whitepaper sites.
I'm still rather surprised that you did this. I would think you would be making more money with the BSA adverts.
I use clicktoflash instead of an ad blocker, which nukes 100% of the flash ads. I'm not against ads, but I am against annoying ads or ones that noticeably heat up my laptop and reduce battery life.
Flash ads make my tablet cringe...
I also hate Google tracking my activity across multiple sites.
Unless you block, they already do it (or at least they can do it) even without the Google adds.
Might as well delete your cookie jar everytime you open the browser, because it's more than Google who is doing the tracking. Maybe you also want to consider the option of re-install the browser everyday to nuke all the settings and temporary storage, just in case some sites employ persistent tracking such as Evercookie.
I also prefer the BSA ad's it fits the site more with the $7 and under focus.
By my math, BSA is worth $890 a month. Not sure what share LEA gets but I'm sorry but I can't see GA making anything even near that.
That is the maximum it would cost all the advertisers, but
By the time it lands in my PayPal account it would be ~$500 give or take.
As of AdSense,
@LowEndAdmin said:
Surprised you have to do that. All the systems that I use and have documented for my clients, that feature is built in and you can do it yourself.
I still can't see even $500 from GA though. But it's your site....
You don't like my pretty add its colorful no reason to block it from it displaying in your browser LOL
@semoweb yours is probably the one locking up my browser all the time.
The BSA ads are less obtrusive, and fit really nicely with the site. Their sorta interesting to have a quick peek every once in a while, since it matches the content nicely.
I sure hope to hell I won't see another cloud ad.
Buysellads is one of the few ad networks I allowed through my ad blocker when I used them.
Just had a Russian Wives advert go by.
@drmike -- you can opt out Google's "interest based" ads
Not on a locked down terminal that doesn't save cookies I can't. Nor on a laptop that's stuck with Firefox 3.0.19 and won't upgrade past that. (ie I can't install adblock as it doesn't go down that low.)
Thanks though for the follow up and the suggestion.