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gsm hosting / virtual numbers
Has anyone tried any of this before ? It allows sms to be sent and received on a regular number for that country. most places seem to charge a lot more than providers equvient offers (I know there needs yo be profit made but from £5 a month to around £70 is a huge jump)
Any recommended providers or is it just worth buying a internet dongle and putting the sim in
I must be misreading this... all I can think of is Google Voice.
I need it in the UK we don't have receiving costs here. maybe I didn't explain well enough
link to a service?
this seems to be more fun. I'll try it when i get my Raspi.
is an example provider
I don't know the rates in UK for sending sms and I don't know any other provider of that kind of service. But the fees on the link are so high that even if you divide it by 4 I'd still prefer the own dongle setup. Since you are already in UK that won't be too hard.
done that before using a ZTE dongle, i then programmed a short C# app to relay messages to long list of numbers in our organization. the problem is, i cant maintain this setup long because I dont have a 24/7 computer/server to connect it to, all I had is my laptop from China.
Well I got this idea weeks ago. Since we got smartphones now, why not make a similar program for a phone that has non-restrictive protocols for messaging (if SMS is your only concern). A phone can stay much much longer than PCs right and consume a lot less power. Im planning to build one for my BlackBerry but cant find time right now
I was thinking an app - but i would want it a dedicated number and not something on my phone all the time. I guess i could leave a phone pluigged in to a power source 24/7 just thought it would have been easier.
Some of the API's look awesome i just dont understand why they are so expensive.
Where are you from? Do you have datacenters near you or just in your country perhaps? You can ask about GSM modems. Buy one from a local electronics store, then just plug it in a server w/ usb ports. Then hire someone to program you an app that does the job you wanted done. I dont know which is less expensive but at least you know the options
Yeah ive been looking at them on ebay - i can get one for around £15 and my Router has a USB port on it so that may be more than enough.
Data Centres may be difficult im not 100% i know some restrict mobile phones etc inside and im not sure what signal if any. Apart from that all a company would need to do is allow /dev/ttyUSB* accessible. I can do the rest its only sending at commands down there. Out of interest how difficult does this sound to a host ? and how many USB ports with a small amount of space could be attached to a server ?
I think this is just for security measures like prevention for taking pics/recordings/videos etc. but a gsm modem wont do anything but send/receive gsm data, hence sms messages. Hmm maybe what you should ask them is if they allow usb device attached to their servers in order to not confuse them with like what a "phone" can do inside their facility