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Running CPU heavy tasks with high nice value?
Just had a weird idea pop up in my head...
What would happen if I run a bunch of CPU heavy tasks in an OpenVZ container with high nice values? Would it just take up only unused CPU so I can run CPU heavy tasks without affecting other containers?
Would providers get annoyed if I do this on their VPSes?
Definitely maybe.
You can search for
[oop, @rm_ beat me to it and linked you to a thread]
We've touched on this recently in a couple threads. Nice only prioritizes within your container; if your CPU-heavy process is the only thing running on your VM, it will happily chew up the CPU up to whatever limits imposed by the hypervisor.
cpulimit monitors the load (local to your VM) and suspends/resumes the process (SIGSUSP/SIGCONT) to match your desired load.
Not really- on OVZ. It monitors your REPORTED CPU PERCENTAGE, but does NOTHING for projected load. You can still be using 10% CPU and hold a load far over 1.
Long story short: Don't shoemine on OVZ. It's being a dick, and you can't control it well enough.
Good point. I suppose then cpulimit's utility depends on what metrics the provider is looking at to determine whether to suspend you for CPU abuse.
I stole the logic used by cpulimit to script a tool that does the same, based upon actual system load, but with the proliferation of shoeminers, I'm not going to bother sharing it.
Yep, I'm hoping the cryptocurrency landscape changes soon so we can get our cheap Hetzner auctions back again.