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dedicenter ?
Plus NAT and low bandwidth..maybe
If you dont want dedicenter,you may wanna raise your budget.
Found this, which is more than what you expect:
2,73€ IPv4 setup fee on monthly plans. Up to 48h delivery in Frankfurt.
IPv4 address is included in yearly billing.
About 11$/year, is it great?
Just on the first page
Guess can't complain much for this price, but still less than desirable
AFAIK those are no longer available in Singapore. They've moved all VMs from Singapore to Canada or France without informing the customers.
Surprising that didn’t result in a new thread.
Do you mean this?
Is it for tunnelling/ssh ? Did lowendspirit still had SG location?
LES SGP discontinued due to upstream issues.
KVM + Singapore + $10~$15/year...
go for vpn service instead!?
That's why I created this post. I had two yearly SG VPS with them, moved to Canada without notice(!).
About dedicenter, I'm afraid it will end up just like treudler
It's for streisand vpn, so I need KVM
i-83/quadhost?I'm confused
You must work for them. Read the Dedicenter thread bumped right before this one. My KVM (US based) was down for two weeks, and now some management functions are not working.
LOL.. two weeeeekks? Yeah I remember someone said "the lights are on but nobody's home"
Let me put it this way: I didn't disable it from monitoring- I TOOK IT OUT of monitoring.
Yeah same with me (treudler in this case)! I took it out from all of my monitoring, and don't forget to delete the sub-domains too