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Need more help this time about ssl with Magento
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Need more help this time about ssl with Magento

Hello Let

Yesterday and today I was working on installing magento.

I got everything working, except ssl with letsincript.

At most I can put https on the store front.

Yet the admin pannel does not work with my ssl and I've tried many things on my own.

Could I please have help again. Here is my config.

Apache2.4, Ubuntu 16.04, Magento 2.2.0, Php 7.0.22 MySql 5.0.20.


  • I meant mysql 5.7.20

  • I think I will have more success this time. I did something very stupid when I made my cert. I did not expand it to ingolph the root so that

  • hammer said: I did something very stupid when I made my cert

    as long as you have a learning curve after all, nothing wrong with that ;-)

    that you got no answer here most likely is caused by giving far to less details about your issue.

    hammer said: does not work with my ssl and I've tried many things on my own

    if you are looking for help the part 'does not work' isn't a valid description, as you most likely can understand if you think a moment about.

    you'd need to secify as detailed as much what exactly does not function like do you see any kind of errorcode/message in your browser, can you just not login, does the browser hang or load endlessly etc.

    also if you tried some things to handle it, describe what you have done already.

    no offense meant, just as a hint for your next problem/question :-)

  • @Falzo my guess is that he didn't use an intermediate certificate.. but, who knows.

    Thanked by 1Falzo
  • @WSS

    What I meant is that before, as soon as I input my secure url and told magento to use it. The magento store and or admin pannel (but usually just the admin pannel) would produce a 404 error or network error and I would not be able to access it.

    I am trying one more time and if it don't work then screw Magento I highly doubt it will be easy to customize. It' makes making everything yourself so attractive.

    So far, this is what I did. I purged apache to clear myself of all the random customizations I tried so far, I expanded my lets incript to involve my domain with out www so that browsers don't think I am a scammer of my own site, reinstalled some essential modules which were deleted in the purge.

    Later tonight I will try installing magento. I think it might work now.

  • @hammer said:

    this pretty much sounds like a misconfiguration for the vhost in apache itself...

    do you use any kind of control panel or are you setting up your apache/vhost config manually?

    did you reload/restart apache everytime you changed something?

    try to first setup vhosts for your domain for each http and https using a simple index.html inside the webroot. only after that is working install magento.

    and whatever you do, if you see any kind of 404 / 500 or other error, read the according apache error.log to see what exactly wasn't found or forbidden etc.

  • I am doing the set up all by my little loansome with out a web pannel.

    I frequently reloaded apache. I say that sometimes I got 404 or network error because sometimes I had too many redirects.

    I suspect it was because my root .htaccess had some, my vhost had something in my attempt to inable hst and magento itself does alot of redirects, and when I made my sert I asked it to redirect http (but it only covered the part).

    Now in my new attempt, I am going to involve as few of these things as possible.


    Also I used some ideas provided to me by this website and every time it stopped working I would have to go into the core_config_data table to unfuck my urls.

    And these guides for inabling hst.

  • I kind of forgot what a mess magento is... but as said before I'd go to setup the vhosts for http and https with a simple static page first to ensure that's working correctly. no .htaccess and stuff... after that install magento and if it is working enable ssl (or even run the install from the ssl-url, can't remember if magento will recognize this correctly)

    don't mess around with the non-ssl to ssl redirect yourself before you have everything running so far. also keep track of what domain-name you use and provide (with or without www) and only do redirects later after everything else is working as expected ;-)

    Thanked by 1hammer
  • MikePTMikePT Veteran
    edited December 2017

    Keep in mind that Magento is very, very complex. You might want to test OpenCart/Prestashop if you are looking at customizing it. Magento runs on Zend Framework its a PITA to develop any sort of plugin. It requires a considerable amount of resources as well. Magento devs are veeery expensive unless you hire a cheap one doing it for peanuts but have your website compromised in hours.
    Also the standard file cache sucks.

    I would only recommend Magento for a multistore setup, large website, heavily customized, or for lots of integrations since the API is pretty awesome.

  • @MikePT
    I plan on being the developer of magento. I know that it's a massive resource hog and very messy.

    Are their other popular things like Laravel that aren't messy.

    I'm just learning popular things in the web developement zone. When I am done with this, I might check out the nightmare that calls itself Word Press.

    Also how is the api good? So far all I have seen (admittedly little) is a mess.

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • @hammer said:
    I plan on being the developer of magento. I know that it's a massive resource hog and very messy.

    Are their other popular things like Laravel that aren't messy.

    I'm just learning popular things in the web developement zone. When I am done with this, I might check out the nightmare that calls itself Word Press.

    Also how is the api good? So far all I have seen (admittedly little) is a mess.

    Are you testing Magento 1 or 2?

  • I am doing magento 2
    Not having much luck but I think it is something to do with rewrites.c and port 443 because everything works well but not over ssl.

  • @hammer said:
    I am doing magento 2
    Not having much luck but I think it is something to do with rewrites.c and port 443 because everything works well but not over ssl.

    What is the error exactly? Im on mobile but can fix it for you when I get home, in the 2nd, if you are still unable to figure it out.

  • @MikePT

    I actually succeeded hurraaaaaaaaa!

    I don't exactly know which magic spell did it. So I'm going to save my sites-inabled and my other cr

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • I got no clue why the hole message did not paste.

    Any I'm going to save all my other crap so that I don't have to repete this crap.

    Thanked by 1MikePT
  • DrNutellaDrNutella Member
    edited December 2017

    Remember to do your backups. :)
    You will never need it until the day you decide to not do it.

    Thanked by 1MikePT
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