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Alpha Reseller at Low Price

in Help
Please suggest me Alpha Reseller Hosting at Low price.
I know about
Please suggest me providers at the same range of price.
If you know then please tell me.
Thank you
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You wont find more stable alpha master as misterhost. Any issue with misterhost?
Whatever happened Alpha master super reseller thingy?
People started realising that it's dumb
i have mistakenly charge back, so i just lost the provider for ever. even i don;t know how happened that.
SSL certs sometimes take very long to load (like even 5-6 seconds on a clean wp install) but other than that it's ok. HTTP is fast
You don't "mistakenly" chargeback. You meant it.
I dunno.. there are plenty of people who "slip in the shower" and get things stuck up their arse. @AuroraZ did that twice.. yesterday.
I said what i mean, And i don;t care what you f*** thinks.
I like your beard.
Good for you.
I hear they are as good as snipped
Do you know any other provider??
They are not providing Alpha Reseller. !!Gandu!!
That site encourage me to take Selfies too , Oh G .
Get out, no one here will suggest anything decent to a guy that may
Sure, go for it if you want to lose your data in a few weeks.
How about gama resellers?
I hate people who ask for help and then call members of this great place “gandu”’s
@jarland infraction for this guy please! We are better than this
Afraid that doesn't translate here, can you tell me more about it?
“Hindi word for arsehole. Also used to describe someone stupid and incredibly dim witted. Sometimes also used when a person is unhelpful or stingy or just plain anal. “
Kinda worse than what is quoted though.
Dont think our members are any of that
I wouldn’t care tbh if it was a joke et al. But these guys helping out and thhis guy is being an outright dick about it.
I think he was referring that to himself. I mean who else "mistakenly" charges back? Only gandu does.
You do realize that this guy is the same Saheb that got banned two times...
@jarland Can you confirm whether this guy is the same guy that made these accounts?
If it is the same guy, he needs to use a tad more creativity with the names. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have spotted it.
So it isn't a shampoo bottle stuck up his ass. Got it.
@WSS lol. He wanted to sell a bunch of ‘adult resellers.’
Yeape and that would by why I did not respond. Kind of wondering who let him in the door again though.
Well, I wouldn't rush to that conclusion... He may have just had it up there for awhile
Richard didn't make the cut?