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Got 4 Qs
Hello Ladies and Genttlemen
I got 3 questions about general vps and 1 somewhat sarcastic question.
Anybody who answers them the best gets virtual apple pie.
How much vissitors can a website on a good vps with a good chunk of disk, internet, and ram support (using LAMPP stack with Laravel and no Wordpress abomination) vs a well done shared with minimal or no overselling (probably rare or impossible)? approximations work.
Is it better to have 1 core that is dedicated to you (at 3.5 ghz) or 4 shared (3.8 ghz) where you can use 50% max for web site.
When is it a good time in server set up to attach your ip's to a domain and will name Silo offer cheaper domains for Christmas break like bf? (crappy question I know but I am going to truely start going online at that time).
Did @Wss drive corrupt the @Nekki drive or did the @Nekki drive corrupt the @Wss drive? I need to know to improve my server administrating skills.
You might in turn ask well "Hammer my boy you ain't making the next Google and you ain't hosting that on a VPS even if you could make a popular website like that?"
And to that I reply "A lad can have an unreasonable dream. Plus, doesn't everybody want to know how big their dick could grow before they need to get bigger pants."
1) Not able to give you an answer without knowing how it runs. static files and processing takes a lot less effort than something interpreted. How much is dynamic?
2) Depends on your needs.
3) What?
4) It was mutual corrupteration.
I meen during server set up, (like when you start installing shit and playing with configuration files and all that jazz) you got to attach your domain to your ip adresses right. When is it a good time to do this?
Also I was wondering if Name Silo is likely to have a domain sale where everything is 50% off.
It's all about how static your site is, your question is too generic to be answered but regardless of how good your setup is, you shouldn't expect to handle more than 10k+ daily page views on shared hosting.
I can't answer your question, but if the question was 1 dedicated 3.8ghz core vs 4 shared 2.2ghz cores, the 3.8ghz is probably better (assuming the 3.8ghz isn't extremely old).
Personally I buy a domain and point it to my servers before starting any work at all. You can make it so visitors/crawlers are redirected to a 'under construction' page if you want.
Uh, setup your stuff first, then change your IPs accordingly to point to the host. Use your local 'hosts' file to bypass DNS for testing if required.
Not a clue. I've used NameSilo for awhile, but after they decided to get into something I didn't like, I moved everything to PorkBun. They've got several sales throughout the years.
60% static and 40% dynamic I think.
Also 4 was sarcasm I was sort of shit posting with the last question. I noticed though people used to shit post less.
This term is coppyright
trademark 1996-2017
Wow sweet thanks for PorkBun but I much preffer chickenbun.
Do you have to renew the Let's incript every 90 days even if you activate it from their website?
It's supposed to.
More cores is better but if you don't get too much traffic it won't make much of a difference. Also depends on your setup, what type of extra stuff is running (E-mail related tasks, MySQL, backups, etc.)
That doesn't tell me or anyone anything lol... But actually if you want to use laravel I highly recommend you rent a cheap kvm straightaway. No need to consider shared hosting at all.
Also, I believe there was a .com promo on namesilo on 1-16 Dec for around $7. There probably won't be anymore promos for the next few days, but there might be one on christmas day.
you need as many cores as possible. at least 50 minimum for performance blazing speed.
grettings from nigeria btw
Go with a VPS if you want to run a bunch of custom stuff or generally have control over the environment. Go with shared hosting if performance or reliability is more important. You'll generally have access to more resources on shared hosting but less control over the environment, which can be both bad/good depending on several things (most importantly, your requirements). One thing to consider though; shared hosting usually comes with less-familiar (and often unadvertised) resource limits - hard limit on process count, SQL queries, or other things to basically keep things under control on the shared hosting box and prevent one bad user from eating the whole system. Depending on your application and how it works behind the scenes, you may find you don't fit within these limits and be better suited by VPS/cloud servers.
For a VPS, multiple cores are generally better - servers do several things at once. A single fast core can do well alone, but parallelism from several slower cores is usually faster at emptying a queue than a single core trying to process everything. This really depends on the application/workload, but this is generally the case.
I'd recommend updating DNS to point to your IP after you've set up your websites and verified they work (modify the hosts file on your computer to point your domain to the IP to perform testing). This will help prevent the unfortunate circumstance where if you're moving an existing website to a new server (or several) to find out the application wasn't set up properly after making the change for everybody. I don't know about name silo in general, but overall there might be domain deals for the holiday, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Generally they're nothing to write home about. You might save a few bucks for the first year, but most likely get locked in at a higher renewal price or pay a transfer fee to another registrar - not really worth the effort in my opinion. It won't hurt to save money for the first year, but it also shouldn't really be a big factor since the savings probably won't last.
Go on.... Why the switch? Pork bun looks decent btw
Edit.. Nevermind
Could you please elaborate on this?
I moved few domains to NameSilo already and currently thinking whether I should move the rest of them there as well.
Their response on such issues as being neutral regarding their services. They've kicked people out that they don't agree with- which is their prerogative, but does not make me feel any safer with their services. I don't care how 1998 their website is, because it works. I just disagree with their policies, so I opted to go elsewhere.