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New offer rule request for comments
I'd like to see offers require a real test IP + IPv6 + test file owned by the offer-poster itself and accurate upstream provider info.
I'm sick of seeing serverius or ovh or quadranet default dc test files. This is not good in part because the provider upstream will always likely be better: a reseller might be using a 100m port or 1g port, or not on asia-optimised network while the datacentre's test file is on 10G+ or something and uncontended
I'd also like to see this applied to LEB specifically too
Some examples: - Just say reliablesite instead of trying to hide it and advertise coresite. - says their dc is cogent, bunch of more lies in the comments
Feel free to shit on me, thoughts and feedback?
Edit: and no, I don't have test files/IPs/looking glass, but if it was a requirement I would put something up.
You'd like that.
I'd be worried about doing so if I was, say, a Shared Hosting reseller, because some asshole who is bored would turn a few pipes at it just to take it down because I insulted their haircut.
It'd be nice, but I don't think you're going to get a hell of a lot from the newbs.
we don't do that usually because of using our own ip's being a ddos target so we have to agree it is nice on paper but on practice it doesn't work that well. which is why everyone uses the dc test files instead of their own.
This will happen anyway, if you're offering public services.
The good hosts I see most definitely use their own. If you actually were intent on being a target there's nothing stopping them from just getting your server IPs elsewhere, while it's just a huge pain in the ass for customers having to back and forth
Yeah, not on LET. There was a time but then came the DDoS.
I don't think requiring test ips and test files is the correct way to handle this.
A better rule would be, any test files or test ips that the provider does include, have to actually be theirs under their direct control.
That way providers are still free not to provide any test ips and files if they decide to do that, and it keeps the 3rd party test ips and files off the forum.
These test IPs gets ddosed frequently , resulting in null route by DC all time . Not agree.
provider if want to fake , they will put one test IP with better network and then have the customers in another .. so does not matter .
As @cubedata said, it sounds nice but practically will be a headache for the providers >.<
And you always have LET to start a drama if you get a different network (or not as advertised).
So, NO to this idea.