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What UK provider do you turn to, for live sites.
Hi all,
Title says it all.
For UK websites, that you want to have the utmost performance for UK users, what provider do you resort to?
By Category.
- Shared
- Dedi
It would be great if your opinion is a result of personal experience instead of "I heard that.." "and "everyone in LET loves [insert name here]"
For UK, our node with Clouvider. Got shared hosting running there, superb. Dedi and VPS, Clouvider, @AnthonySmith and @Infinity
I also have done DDOS protected, SSD cached Shared Hosting in the UK for quite some time
the gold package is on sale right now for just €7 p.year
Clouvider and Rapidswitch
Personal experience? I used Zare for about a year and really loved them. They had a reliable network and decent hardware for the price. This was back when they first opened, not sure if things have changed since. But I think they're worth considering.
For Dedis? @Clouvider
For VPS? We do offer NVMe VPSes in London. Plenty of reviews from our clients. We run our own network inside Clouvider and are connected directly to LINX LON1 & LON2. You can topup as low as $3 to try our hourly billed services.
For shared hosting? Anyone inside Clouviders network. @AnthonySmith does a "silent cPanel" no reseller hosting and not advertised a lot. Very little abuse we hear!
2 abuse reports in 7 years
I also offer the cheapest Pure NVMe SSD packages in the UK if not anywhere.
All hail @Clouvider for UK.
Welcome to Dom's Cartel.
I have been using OnePoundWebHosting as a shared for years - all goes smoothly so far.
As for LET UK options, Clouvider's providers dominate out here you know.
Not really, HostHatch gives more bang for the buck when it comes to NVMe KVM VMs. As for UK specifically, it looks like AlphaVPS offers more affordable ones too.
That reminds me, I still needs to gets me some of that...
And I still insist you do not pay if you do.
You are far too kind.
I am personally used 2 provider got fantastic service:
wow, they were a nightmare last time I used them back in 2011, they are actually the reason I started to offer shared hosting myself because they were so infuriatingly bad, over promise and under deliver would be the phrase I would use.
It has been a while though to be fair.
For dead sites, my go to provider is ServerHand.
Or, second solutions is northhost. Besides, their website is still functional!
I recommend Clouvider.
The best was around is
I've got a VPS with inception hosting and it's great. Stable and fast from where I am in the South
1PWH(Onepoundwebhosting) is very nice. fast nodes and friendly support.
Plus, they throw in 10(maybe more now) slots on their external service monitoring service for free, for vps signups. Very accurate reports via email.
It's still 10.
If it needed to be in UK and solid and reliable and professional I wouldn't even look around but walk right away to @Clouvider (or one of a few of his better "subhosters" in his DC).
Shared: I recently started with ramnode. Performance is great so far.
VPS: VMHaus @VMHaus
Dedis: no experience with dedis so far. Hopefully soon!
I have never used any UK based servers myself but have heard good about Zare. This made me refer few of my clients to go with Zare and they never complained or gave any negative response to me.
So I think Zare is your "decent, reliable, no fuss" UK provider.
We offer Web Hosting in UK. Server is located in Maidenhead.
You will add all recommended UK Hosting company to your blog?
No blog at all, just want to know what options are available to me.
I've moved all my dedi's to @Clouvider last month
From personal experience, if it was for production - Bytemark or UK2.