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Vps or dedi with addon storage
I'm looking for either a vps with a dedicated core or a low spec dedi but either must have addon storage available.
This is for my simple file hosting project and despite it being aimed at legal files (as per t&c) there will be people who will probably upload copyrighted material so I need a provider who would be tolerant of this and allow the data to be deleted etc rather than immediate suspension. I have a netcup vps with dedicated cores but believe they are very strict on dmca etc.
4gb ram
Mountable addon storage expandable in 100/250gb blocks.
Unknown transfer requirements but gb shared a bonus.
MUST be in Europe (already looked at buyvm but no addon storage unfortunately)
How frequent will the abuse reports be, i.e. do you actually have a proactive system to prevent it leaving just edge cases or is an abuse report usually your first notification of illegally hosted files?
How much storage are you likely to require over the next 12 months?
Depending on the answers I may be able to offer you something in the Netherlands or the UK.
To be honest I have no idea as I'm still doing the software side of things. But t&c will state what can't be hosted and payment will need to be made to verify accounts etc to try and deter idiots. At the moment I haven't implemented anything to determine specific files.
I don't see it being massive as it's more a side project which I'll use to store some backups so probably only 2-4tb
Ah ok if it is paid then you just have the idiot factor to deal with so it will not be a potential free for all.
But 4tb you need a dedi I guess, probably looking at around 40eur p.month or 55eur with raid
Yeah that the plan there won't be any free accounts. Ideally I need Mountable expanding storage ie start with 100gb then expand as requirements grow
@Francisco is working on something as well, but for the size you're looking at, you're probably going to want to start big.
Yeah unfortunately the buyvm storage isn't available in their lux location otherwise it would have been perfect. As the service may be little used I didn't want to have to pay out for large storage straight away for it to sit empty.
If you're going to have a file hosting script then ofcourse dedicated due to having dedicated storage for you. If you're going to use VPS, the disk will be shared among alot of virtual servers which could result in poor performance for your users.
Hetzner VPS/Dedi + Storage box(es) maybe? Should be mountable as CIFS. Might not be ideal if you are actually looking for expandable storage but maybe if you get creative you could work around it. Like putting images on CIFS, creating lookback devices and adding those to LVM or something like that... Never tried it but sounds cool does'nt it?
Hetzner would be a suitable choice hardware wise but they won't stand for abuse reports.
I've always been a big fan of Joes Data Center in Kansas City. I've used them in the past and have a buddy that uses them currently. One of the true bare metal hosts that allow you to take a server down to upgrade it.
True. Hetzner really does'nt like those. Probably getting unrealistic here but maybe you could put a reverse proxy in front of your setup to eat the reports? Or even just cloudflare? Not sure how they would handle it but from what i've read they don't seem to care to much and just forward reports so as long as they forward the reports to you and not Hetzner you should be good.
@cociu any dedis on offer?
We do have small dedicated servers , add-on storage are available