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It's not technically legal to do so. You can install Windows Server 2008.
Not allowed.
@revan20 request an IPMI access (for free) so you can install Windows.
Does Nocix (I'm assuming that's what the OP meant not Noxic
) allow BYOL for Windows?
Still no.
Well, last time I got it working via IPMI.
It's still not legal.
Unless you're in Alabama.
There shouldn't be a problem installing Windows via IPMI. The problem is with the licensing. Are you still running that server?
Also: what I'm always interested in is people trying to run an OS that costs more than the server they buy legally.
For some reason I really doubt they will have proof of purchase and COA for a valid retail licence (and no, education, resold stolen keys from hacked accounts, VLK MSDN, etc is absolutely not valid for this), not that home OSes are allowed in the first place
Especially when their post history only consists of asking for torrents.
request KVM and mount iso to install but you need liscense because no one datacenter allow window copy
Thanks for the answers