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ultra cheap VPS for VPN in USA
I would like to get VPS for VPN in USA.
P.S please don't suggest any VPN service, I newer need configure VPN service and I want to do all myself to my satisfaction and to learn somethig new.
Also, it will be use only by me and nobody else, so please also advise me about VPS spec. because I don't know how much resource will I need
Do you intend to use it for Netflix?
Where exactly have you been 2 days ago? Atm your best options are probably or
not for netflix - rather hulu and just out of my curiosity
Most are blocked by the streaming services. Best bet go with a service and get the guarrantee they will keep them unblocked.
Thanks for your replies, can anyone tell me what spec do I need? is something like 128 MB, 1 core, 5 GB HDD enough?
P.S I need it for a month for now, for testing and if I will be satisfied I will pay in advance. It will be great for me to have test period like 2 or 3 days just to see if everything will go fine, because I don't know if latency will not be a problem.
In case of OpenVPN that's a clear yes. It uses next to nothing of resources.
You could get a lowendspirit nat fairly cheap. Good to learn on...
NAT? Is it not necessary to have an IP for VPN working properly?
You do have an IP and it works just fine.
Nope. Not at all. I don't want to know how many lowendspirit vps run vpn and nothing but vpn. Besides even NAT VPS have IPs. It's just that IPv4 is shared and about any NAT provider offers non shared IPv6. How much luck you will have using the shared v4 IP to avoid region locks is another topic though but then again this is hit and miss with any non residential IP.
Small vps with dedicated IP is cheap, you better go that way if you really new to VPN thingy. NAT VPS for VPN require you more knowledge about firewall and ports
what about buyVM from @francisco - can you recommend it for that? those VPS are very cheap and I used it in the past as a storage, I was happy with them.
As in you need to read the welcome email and chose your vpn port from the assigned range? Doubt that will be a problem for him.
Nope problem will likely be the blocked IP.
Cheapest would be a service from Lowendspirit.
Can't guarantee that it will work with streaming services as most DC IPs are blocked
True but as mikho says that will be the case with pretty much any DC IP. The times when netflix did'nt care about IPv6 are sadly gone. Not sure about other streaming services.
To be clear - I don't care about netflix at all, since some time we have netflix officially available in Poland, and to be honest main purpose for me is to learn how to configure VPN and how to use it but when I have to pay for the VPS I thought that will be fine to check hulu offer to compare these 2, if it will work... fine if not, that's not a problem either.
You can't access Hulu from private up or proxy/VPN. speaking from experience as I do it by accident all the time.
then order a LES and start testing
You won't have any problems with buyVM for a VPS... Get the cheapest one though if you are going for just a VPN... You really don't need a big VPS for something like this.
The openvpn installer is nat compatible
There is some info on forum about setting up openvpn with a LES. Unless you're really on the cheap though I'd get a dedicated ipv4 vps since the LES ipv4 addresses sometimes come under DOS attack. The $15/y BuyVM plan should work fine and may even be overkill. But, I'd say look for something geographically near you, to decrease latency.
So what? He says he wants to learn something so i guess running a retarded installer script is not what hes looking for. I am starting to get the impression 50% of vpns out there would not exist if it was'nt for those stupid one size-fits-all scripts because people are to lazy/unable to read manuals. There is zero learning about downloading a script and running it as the user won't have any idea what he just did.
Is it possible to get something for $10 - 12 / year with the dedicated IP or it is too cheap? I ask seriously, I know that in eu it is impossible for such price but I never interested in US location VPS before.
That retarded installer script is created and used widely by LES, and a lot of others. Not everyone has time to install all the things manually.
I am suggesting. I am not a mind reader. How about we asking @marson, do you want to use the installer or do you want to set it all by hand one by one ?
What is he supposed to learn by using an installer? wget syntax and chmod +x?
Yes it is possible to find such offers often.
As I said, I would like to learn something new, so definitely I want to put all pieces together by myself, all in all wget url_of_script then sh I was able to do 10 years ago
Arubacloud has $1 a month for their italy, I think.
One thing to consider for NAT/non-NAT is privacy though. With a dedicated IP it's easy to tie all activity from that IP to a single user. With NAT there will be tons of people using that IP and you will just be one out of many. Downside being if your fellow NAT users do naughty things you will be using a dirty IP too. Damn, i remember the russian Virtwire NAT IP was litteraly all over the place on IP blacklists for spam and hacking attempts. On one hand its kinda reassuring that the provider does not seem to give a fuck but on the other hand it might raise unwanted red flags when trying to sign up/login for serious things.