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Cool do you know if they have any current promotions?
How about the network is it reliable?
They had a dual l5420 for $49 deal, contact them and they'll get you sorted. Their network should be stable from what I read.
Awesome, I use your backup services!
I'll try em out for us, do you know of any non-us locations with a similar offer NL perhaps?
seflow has some good offers going on in Italy. I'm not sure any good deals in NL. You might try
What about OVH?
+1 on Quickpacket. Very stable network for the couple of months I used them.
I really don't understand why everyone always bashes DS's network.
We've had servers with them for 2 years now and one of them had 99% uptime on uptimerobot before the cable cut that took out everything on WSI's network. Other than that we've never really had any problems.
One of our servers runs VoIP stuff for several businesses and we've never had a complaint on sound quality or dropped calls.
That being said +1 on Quickpacket as well.
So it's perspective. 99% is bad. Most expect minimum 99.9%.
Also, it's HE + Cogent. if you call that good then good. If not, then no. They are 2 budget ISPs. The end.
True. I guess I just have low end expectations for a low end service. At DataShack prices 99% seems great to me.
Our stuff have multiple failovers so it really doesn't matter anyway lol.
Well, QuickPacket was down (i.e., unreachable or had packet loss) for at least three hours over last month, so that's <99.5% uptime.
I'll probably never fully trust i3d again after they pulled all their clients (colo clients included) from their old DC in the middle of the night to move them to the new DC, most of them without prior notice. It was a massacre, I heard. Switches and servers lying around everywhere, most pulled out cold-turkey.
@perennate said:
I'd look at overall uptime over a period of time. Datashack as reported by the user was 99% over 2 years, not 99% of a single month. Make your decisions based on that.
Seflow in IT, Worldstream in NL has an i7-2600K w/32GB RAM for €59, (Hetzner) in DE, ProviderService in DE, OVH once they clear their backlog, and both in FR, Leaseweb in DE has a €39 E3-1220 special
I have one Dual 2xL5420 1tb Enterprise Drive, 16gb mem, 5 IPs, 100 Mbit Unlimited with pretty good network.
Quickpacket was out of stock, as for bashing DS it's not like that I've been with them for over 3 years back when they were white label, the network portion I'm on is far from stable, the downstream is 1gbps no problems, upstream however is quite another story I peak the port at 20mbps on 3/4 servers hosted with them, its just to slow to warrant not changing networks to a real, authentic 100mbps port or higher, in saying that I have 1 server with DS in there new location across the road and its great, I've already tried working this out with support etc, they are very reluctant to help so instead they just push me to another provider, I mean then again since I've made this post DS has contacted me perhaps it will get worked out.