All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
What should I do with this provider
My domain provider account compromised
First of all,
- Sorry for lengthy post
- I have no intention to do any black campaign for any provider
I registered my domain ( to this provider 2+ years ago. It's paid annually at February using Paypal's pre-approved payment. It all went well until yesterday I received a notification from Paypal saying that I have authorized a payment which I don't recognize (Different amount and different time).
I tried to login to my domain provider dashboard and failed. I also tried to request password reset, but I don't receive any email and I don't think it even send to my email address (the message says an email sent to (dup***zej@dn****.com) which I don't recognize).
I contacted Paypal to cancel this transaction and Paypal seems to believe this transaction is valid. I'm still waiting for an answer how this is possibly happens from them.
As for domain provider, I don't think I have any hope to get my account back. Their customer service is just like a robot built with auto-answering templates and random response. A quick search on Google shows this issue is well known for this provider. I'm sure that I don't want to use any service from this provider anymore.
- Is there any way to get my money back?
- Is there any way to get my domain back?
To get your domain back, see if rhey are a reseller of a domain registrar and contact them about your greivance. After getting back your domain, try to raise a paypal dispute and credit card chargeback if the dispute doesnt turn in your favour
This is magic. You're either mind-reader or their reputation is well-known.
I wish I was a mind reader but I've heard about their fraud transactions from customer's account. Second, support. They have one of most dumb support. And that
I've also met same reviews
He is blessed, so probably both, but 1&1 is really well known for being a pain in the ass as soon as something goes wrong! All the best!