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$3.95 128/256MEG | $5.95 256/512MEG OpenVZ Special
Its been a while since we have released a special to the LEB/LET community so I figured we were due.
These prices are available in Chicago and Jacksonville
Nodes are ran on Intel E3-1270 processors with RAID-10 Hard drive arrays. All VPS containers are backed up weekly to a remote server in case of hardware failure.
Processor/Speed: Intel E3-1270 @ 3.4GHZ Processor Cores: 1 CPU Core
Guaranteed RAM: 128MB
Burstable RAM: 256MB
RAID 10 Disk Space: 10GB
Monthly Premium Bandwidth: 100GB
Included IP Addresses: 1 IP
Network Port Speed: 100MBPS
Price Per Month: $3.95 - Sign Up
Processor/Speed: Intel E3-1270 @ 3.4GHZ Processor Cores: 1 CPU
Guaranteed RAM: 256MB
Burstable RAM: 512MB
RAID 10 Disk Space: 20GB
Monthly Premium Bandwidth: 200GB
Included IP Addresses: 1 IP
Network Port Speed: 100MBPS
Price Per Month: $5.95 - Sign Up
Chicago, IL - 350 Cermak – IP & Test File
Test IP:
Looking Glass URL:
Jacksonville, FL - 800 Water St. (GoRack DC) – IP & Test File
Test IP:
Looking Glass URL:
Test files are available on the Looking Glass pages.
We have been in business since Dec 2010 and an adult ran company that is a registered LLC in the state of Florida.
Please feel free to PM me if you have any further questions.