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@junjiang Why don't You just buy directly a 96MB RAM budget VPS for 1$ per month?
The price i think i could buy another VPS such as 128MB.
But i donot need 96MB or 128MB,i need 32MB,that's lowend.
Yeah! I prefer my 32mb over 96mb just because it is more low end :P
You do know that there is another hosting offering 32mb plans for $7.5, not sure what host. @Conterto49 if I was right.
I have one and it's great. I'm hoping to be the last one standing with it too!
Last I heard from ipxcore, a lot of them had not been renewed!
cloudshards has a 64 MB plan which costs only 7.5 USD per year.
I want to buy your VPS.
@junjiang @taronyu Yes that's us, Cloud Shards. We've got an OpenVZ offer for $7.50 a year for the following specs:
If you're interested in ordering then the relevant links are:
Los Angeles, CA
Buffalo, NY
Am I being stupid or do you also offer 32mb plans?
@taronyu Unfortunately we don't offer 32MB plans, 64MB is our smallest.
I can remember Converto said something about 32mb plan here or on vpsboard.
Me? yes 32MB plan exists on special request $6.75/year.
I have both IPXCore 32 MB plan and also CloudShards 64MB plan. I would say CloudShards offers a better deal here..
Infact I had a ipx 32mb plan before they moved to buffalo, then let it expire and recently got one back from @Juan. Thanks to him. So IPX32 has 32MB ram + 32MB vSWap with 4 cpu cores of AMD Opteron on a 100Mbit connection. $6/yr paid quarterly
ipxcore 32mb bench
@jkr1711 has offered free shoutcast servers here before and he is a great guy, so I wanted to try his 64MB plan and I was really surprised on how awesome the offer is. It comes with 64MB RAM + 32vSWap on a Xeon E5 on a 1Gbit port. $7.5/yr paid yearly
CloudShards 64Mb bench
@peppr Great to see you're enjoying the plan! I really shouldn't take the credit though, @concerto49 is the main man around here
That's interesting, you're on the wrong server... open a ticket if you'd like to be moved to the correct server. Your data and IP and all that will remain the same.
You guys really have a good setup.
Oh. Let me ticket you shortly. However the performance is good with the amd
I have 2 with them, will NEVER cancel them
They're dwindling slowly... still 156 active ones out there.
Thanks @Damian, My IPX32 is powered by Xeon E3. For the interested folks, here is the new bench for ipxcore 32 mb plan
RAID10, on LSI controllers.
i used to have one but keep idle after move to Buffalo, and then push to @netomx for free with 2+ month left.
but right now have a $1.75 256M ovz with ipx in San Diego, it's great.
if @damian you could make new 32M plan in San Diego i'll absolutely get one!
IP costs in San Diego are much higher than in Buffalo, so it won't be happening... it's also why our "budget" series is not available there either, except on specials.
I am on @concerto49; have 2 x 64MB VPS in both locations. So far the performance is top notch
Man you din't told me about that
Anyway @junjiang IIRC serverdragon also provide 32mb plan
@yywudi and thanks for that, it is working as a dns server
that's much better than idle in my hand :P
It's very limited. @jkr1711 convinced me to add some
Thanks! We'll be adding Texas in the future too once the dynamics of it are sorted.
I would like to see more of this 64MB LowEndStock in EUROPE
Good offer from Cloud Shards, not much difference in the price between the 32 and 64 plans, but I guess that this is due to the fixed costs (IP, hardware, staff) so you can only go so low. I think the only other player in the 32MB market is SecureDRAGON at $10.99.