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$7 - deal?
For how many IPs?
All of them
for 508 IP addresses, 7$ is for how many I mean. I am sure you don't mean 7$ for all because price on ovh is 3$ and I can offer them at 2$ each
All of them
Don't be so mean, I'll only take 507 and let you have one. Deal?
All of them
Okay, you win ^
All of them, as they are free after setup fee. Ok, I am not mean, I give $7.01 (including tips) for all of them.
All of them
I paid set up fee, but only used them for less than a month, made losses. Server payment is due on 14th and I will not pay. So that is why I am selling. Or I would have to surrender them to OVH
All of them
Why on earth would you pay for 500+ IPs if you didn't have a use for them? Or did the sneaker sites ban your IPs that fast?
I don't think anyone interested here to pay a full amount for them as it can be some other story behind.
Get 2 cheap vps and add them to it
I think he will be able to port 16 IPs per VPS as the OVH has some limits for VPS.
Then get 32, simple
Ain't asking for full amount, but atleast a dollar per ip. All are good ones. If anybody want to run any tests, they are welcome to do so.
But that would still be 160$ total
Do they have names?
Bet they don't have Yeti. All of them.
So you paid $1500+ for IPs you didn't even use for a month.
I see how this works for OVH now.
What is sneaker sites ?
Use all IPs once to buy sneakers > sell sneakers > sell IPs > profit.
ovh should just take all these ips back effective immediately
IP addresses can be transferred free of charge from one account to another to ovh. If not, I'll help you with the transfer.
Do you need an active server with OVH to keep the IPs? I just killed my last OVH dedi
In ovh, I have active server, but you also need an active server to keep those ip addresses
yes you need one
Are those split in multiple blocks? What sizes?
Maybe this would raise more interest if smaller blocks are available. If one needs to take over a whole /24 on a dedicated which already has additional IPs on it, it won't work without generating further costs.
You really should try to give more information about...
You can pay $3/M for IP parking :P