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Windows VPS?
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Windows VPS?

WebProjectWebProject Host Rep, Veteran

Hi all,

Just thought to check with everyone, what the purpose apart of .NET and web server usage of Windows VPS? I understand that in corp intranet network can be done more. What you are using Windows VPS for?

We did some tests and on our node and found it pointless, as all the same and even more tasks can be done in Linux environment.


  • risharderisharde Host Rep, Veteran

    I would guess a corporate intranet server with some sort of single sign on feature wouldbe easy to set up on a Windows VPS

    Also perhaps active directory but with some sort of encryptioj for security over the internet
    maybe as a backup domain controller for disaster recovery

    I can imagine that you could use it as a multi user remote desktop facility for workers when they are on the go etc

    That is what just comes to my mind on what I would consider

    Thanked by 1WebProject
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