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Looking To Become A VPS Reseller
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Looking To Become A VPS Reseller

Hello there Providers;

Me and my business partner are looking into becoming VPS Resellers for the RuneScape community.

We both have well established accounts on the popular RuneScape trading forums and are looking to resell VPSs to run the botting client for RuneScape.

We would typically partition clients to 1GB of ram per client to be able to run the client that consumes ~700mb on average.

We will sell the VPSs with the client pre-installed and with ease by outpricing the current establishments, which are way-overpriced resellers.

If this is something you can do post below or email me at [email protected] with information on features and pricing.




  • alexalex Member

    burst has a reseller plan

  • @alex said:
    burst has a reseller plan

    Thanks investigating.
    Feel free to post other options.

  • @alex said:
    burst has a reseller plan

    Updated; They do not allowing running the RuneScape clients.

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    Sent you a pm

  • @Fliphost said:
    Sent you a pm

    Replied ;)

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    I've responded to your ticket with a solution that would work better for you than a "VPS Reseller" plan.

  • @shovenose said:
    I've responded to your ticket with a solution that would work better for you than a "VPS Reseller" plan.

    I assume you're referring to a dedi?

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep
    edited June 2013

    Yep, but please see what I said in the ticket and respond there as I honestly don't check LowEndTalk often anymore, since it's become a place where drama and trolling are more important than VPS hardware and software.

  • @shovenose said:
    Yep, but please see what I said in the ticket and respond there as I honestly don't check LowEndTalk often anymore, since it's become a place where drama and trolling are more important than VPS hardware and software.

    That in itself sounds like a troll :)

    If you want this community to improve, be a part of the solution.

  • KensharmaKensharma Member
    edited June 2013

    @sleddog said:

    Let's try and keep this vps reselling related, please ;)

  • Feel free to send me a PM if you're looking for a reseller plan.

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    I am being a part of the solution by not posting here. But let's not do any threadjacking here and stay on topic.

  • vnetvnet Member

    Would like to know, it is curious that the market needs and solutions!

  • RaptaRapta Member

    Hello all I'm looking to do something similar aswell, if anyone could PM me also I would gladly appreciate it!

  • Have a solid offer but feel free to reply.

  • AlexBarakovAlexBarakov Patron Provider, Veteran

    I can offer both discounts on our product list or reseller account with prepaid resources on great pricing. I'm also willing to match other offers, as long as it is reasonable and also willing to work on custom solutions and quotes for resellers. You can HMU if you are interested and will get back to you ASAP :)


  • KensharmaKensharma Member
    edited June 2013

    @Alex_LiquidHost said:
    I can offer both discounts on our product list or reseller account with prepaid resources on great pricing. I'm also willing to match other offers, as long as it is reasonable and also willing to work on custom solutions and quotes for resellers. You can HMU if you are interested and will get back to you ASAP :)



  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    I can tell you first hand runescape botters are very VPS unfriendly and I would advise any host grasping at business to avoid... there is a reason the OP's competitions is higher priced, get 5 - 8 of these bad boys on your host node and your resources are gone.

    I appreciate completely the OP's view on taking a pro active role in providing a cost effective service to his/her community but from the perspective of someone who has had to deal with exactly what you are intending to sell I can assure you that going for the lowest price will only lead to a word of stress.

    I would highly recommend you instead invest in a high end dedicated server, virtualize it and dedicate it to your craft only, you cannot control how much resource your client gobbles up, they will have no concept on this and a VPS is a shared resource environment.

    You really would be best off grabbing a dedi and dedicating it to your business, you simply will not have enough control over your own business model buy looking for cheap VPS reseller plans.

    This is not meant as an attack I hope you just take it as an experienced perspective, please do not ruin a nights sleep for a host or quality experience for 50 other people when 2 of your users crap all over 4 CPU cores 100% of the time

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    I can tell you first hand runescape botters are very VPS unfriendly and I would advise any host grasping at business to avoid... there is a reason the OP's competitions is higher priced, get 5 - 8 of these bad boys on your host node and your resources are gone.

    I appreciate completely the OP's view on taking a pro active role in providing a cost effective service to his/her community but from the perspective of someone who has had to deal with exactly what you are intending to sell I can assure you that going for the lowest price will only lead to a word of stress.

    I would highly recommend you instead invest in a high end dedicated server, virtualize it and dedicate it to your craft only, you cannot control how much resource your client gobbles up, they will have no concept on this and a VPS is a shared resource environment.

    You really would be best off grabbing a dedi and dedicating it to your business, you simply will not have enough control over your own business model buy looking for cheap VPS reseller plans.

    This is not meant as an attack I hope you just take it as an experienced perspective, please do not ruin a nights sleep for a host or quality experience for 50 other people when 2 of your users crap all over 4 CPU cores 100% of the time

    Been running some test bots on a 2gb vps, steady 25-40% cpu usage with 3 bots across 2gb.

    This high cpu load occurs if you leave a bot running for a long time, Powerbot is poorly optimized for mantaining resources far into the run. By 20 hours or so your cpu and ram is maxed. However it is easy to fix this with a memory management program. I know what you're talking about though.

    The actual running of the game uses little, its overtime buildup causing issues. During the first few hours after launch you could be at as little at 20% usage on the cpu.

    I will review cpu and ram usage to make sure this doesnt happen.

  • @Zen said:
    Well the point is there is no real way to avoid it, you are running on shared resources. In most hosts, 25% of CPU sustained is cause for concern, and in many, termination. And the more you sell, the worse it becomes - because resources are shared and you're neighbours with many other clients.

    No, you realise I am getting KVM servers right? Completely isolated memory.

  • @Kensharma said:
    No, you realise I am getting KVM servers right? Completely isolated memory.


  • KensharmaKensharma Member
    edited June 2013

    @Spencer said:


    Go with KVM. With the resources that Java needs, it will cause extra pressure on the host when running OpenVZ which sometimes can be mistaken for abuse. KVM handles the memory better and are therefore preferred."

  • edited June 2013

    Kensharma they talk about CPU.
    CPU != memory.

  • I know BlueVM specifically disallows RuneScape bots and Feed The Beast (MOST bloated Minecraft server EVER) on all services, including KVM. As do several other providers most likely.

  • KensharmaKensharma Member
    edited June 2013

    @Magiobiwan said:
    I know BlueVM specifically disallows RuneScape bots and Feed The Beast (MOST bloated Minecraft server EVER) on all services, including KVM. As do several other providers most likely.

    Yea I know quite a few do, that's why I had to open a thread. Otherwise I could just go to any old server host. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work it. But I will make my best of efforts to mantain a respectable resource usage and if it simply can't be done at a budget, I'll shut er down and wait til I can buy a dedi. Simple as that.

  • By the way, just for reference:

    UniqueGeek hosting allowed RSBotting and was even offering to set it up for me, $5.50/month for 2gb of ram. Can prove if necessary. SSD-Cached too.

  • What everyone here is trying to tell you is that you ARE going to use too much CPU and you ARE going to get kicked out..

    You just seem a

  • @MrObvious said:
    What everyone here is trying to tell you is that you ARE going to use too much CPU and you ARE going to get kicked out..

    You just seem a

    Im glad you find me dense.

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    Avg server has 4 cores, you use as you said 25 - 40%, you set up 8 of these as an example, you will constantly be using between 2 - 3 cores 100% of the time, which leaves only a very small amount of resource for the other 100+ containers companies like the ones mentioned load on to a node and substitute Ram for SSD weighted swap.

    I know you dont want to hear it but... there is a reason that they usually cost more.

    I am honestly not having a 'pop' at you, I just think you are asking for stress, and FYI you can oversell ram on KVM no problem it is not dedicated or pre-allocated :)

  • natestammnatestamm Member
    edited June 2013

    Can't help but think all of these reasons are the best for a VPS provider to go dedicated or am I wrong?

    Is there some thing a reseller plan would offer to the contrary

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