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The Ban Hammer - Page 2
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The Ban Hammer



  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    I sometimes kind of miss in a hard-to-explain way @Maounique's various ruminations ...

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @angstrom said:
    I sometimes kind of miss in a hard-to-explain way @Maounique's various ruminations ...

    If you'd like, I could write 6 paragraphs about why religion is responsible for your entire family being rapists. Could probably just copy and paste it if I could find that old message...

  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    @jarland said:

    @angstrom said:
    I sometimes kind of miss in a hard-to-explain way @Maounique's various ruminations ...

    If you'd like, I could write 6 paragraphs about why religion is responsible for your entire family being rapists. Could probably just copy and paste it if I could find that old message...

    Oh, no, please spare me that particular rumination!

    I was thinking of some of his other (earlier) ruminations (not on that topic). Just to be clear, I said "sometimes kind of miss" -- no tears for him! You have to admit, he did have a personality that shone through, like it or not. (And compare his posts to posts like "Want dirt-cheap VPS".)

  • quickquick Member

    @cjd said:
    What was the story with Delimiter again? Someone signed up to their service with a high traffic site and they treated them like shit? They used to be highly thought of here, amirite?!


  • @der_wolf I have to say the best part of LET history since being here is the whole Johnny Nuggets Saga w/ GVH. I think you could write an anime based off the material and beat dragon ball z/naruto!

  • deadbeefdeadbeef Member
    edited May 2017

    @angstrom said:
    You have to admit, he did have a personality that shone through

    Must have been a result from all that radioactivity. Some get turned into Hulk, others into Maounique.

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • JustAMacUserJustAMacUser Member
    edited May 2017


    Agreed. It was ongoing, daily entertainment. And it even spanned multiple forums. I would read it throughout the day and share the stories with my spouse in the evening.

    I wonder what happened to him...

    e: I should add that the part about suicide was not entertaining. I don't know if he was being serious or just getting attention but I think it started going a bit too far then.

    Thanked by 1raindog308
  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    JustAMacUser said: Agreed. It was ongoing, daily entertainment. And it even spanned multiple forums. I would read it throughout the day and share the stories with my spouse in the evening.

    Every time I've talked to my wife about something on LET she gives me a pitying look, shakes her head, and then reminds me about things she asked me to do.

    hostdare said: He got banned and then unbanned ;) it was funny temperament fight between @cociu and one customer

    I just remembered @Nekki's #prayforcociu sig and laughed again.

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate
    edited May 2017

    . #prayforWSS

    Thanked by 2hostdare deadbeef
  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    Everybody forgot DrMike?

  • hostdarehostdare Member, Patron Provider

    Dr Mike is on permanent leave !!

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • NekkiNekki Veteran
    edited May 2017

    netomx said: Everybody forgot DrMike?

    Was he actually banned or did he simply disappear into the night?

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    Nekki said: Was he actually banned or did he simply disappear into the night?

    He took his show to vpsboard.

    He was...odd. Like a sort of American maounique with his rants and theories, and then he also fancied himself an investigative reporter. He used to do these deep dives and come back with court transcripts and stuff. It was occasionally interesting but mostly I your life so empty that you spent the weekend reading lawsuits?

    He also was deeply involved in brokering the GVH sale to xfuse, and all the drama that went with that.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @raindog308 said:

    He took his show to vpsboard.

    I was talking about the original Dr.Mike, not Buffalo'd or whatever he used to call himself.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • @raindog308 said:
    Every time I've talked to my wife about something on LET she gives me a pitying look, shakes her head, and then reminds me about things she asked me to do.

    I get that when I've been on the computer for eight hours straight. Usually this is what's happening:

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    JustAMacUser said: Every time I've talked to my wife about something on LET she gives me a pitying look, shakes her head, and then reminds me about things she asked me to do.

    Me, but usually when I am doing anything on the laptop.

    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    Someone said: lesson preparation


  • AmitzAmitz Member
    edited May 2017

    "Sorry, sweetheart! Cannot help! Have to prepare that lesson about how much a tiny white chick can take!"

    Thanked by 2AuroraZ netomx
  • wwabbitwwabbit Member

    @MarkTurner 's ban was pretty funny

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • FredQcFredQc Member

    @wwabbit said:
    @MarkTurner 's ban was pretty funny

    I'm sure he still read LET with another account thought.

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @Amitz said:
    "Sorry, sweetheart! Cannot help! Have to prepare that lesson about how much a tiny white chick can take!"

    I actually had that lesson at school, it was during a music lesson when the teacher inexplicably left us alone for 15 minutes with a TV and video player.

    Ultimately, I learned that the tin white chick can actually take 3 in one go, although the 2 guys in the front and the back try really hard not to make eye contact during.

  • cociucociu Member

    Amitz said: Amitz

    who banned this guy really ? i thing is ok with 24 hours ...

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @cociu said:

    Amitz said: Amitz

    who banned this guy really ? i thing is ok with 24 hours ...

    It was probably @Ishaq, and he's already had a 24 hour ban for going Goatse, so I'd guess a 72-hour ban is in place.

  • cociucociu Member

    Nekki said: Nekki

    do you know i still love you ? hahahaha. remember in 2-3 days to provide you what i have promise ... thath caffe ....

    Thanked by 1Nekki
  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    @wwabbit said:
    @MarkTurner 's ban was pretty funny

    A year since he logged back in

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    @cociu said:

    Nekki said: Nekki

    do you know i still love you ? hahahaha. remember in 2-3 days to provide you what i have promise ... thath caffe ....

    No rush guvnor, the other 2 plans are doing the business for now.

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