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Dedispec: Dual Intel Xeon 5639 / 64GB RAM / 120GB SSD - $49
Dedispec, LLC. - Affordable Dedicated Servers | Colocation | VPS | Web Hosting
Orders are fulfilled in 3 business days (Monday through Friday). Valid 4/6 - 4/12 or while supplies last.
Storage Server Line-up (Up to 40TB)
GPU Compatible Server Line-up (Add a GPU or Bring Your Own!)
Dual Intel Xeon 5420
CPU: 2.5Ghz - 2 Processors (8 Cores / 8 Threads)
Memory: 24GB DDR2
Storage: 1x 2TB HDD
Bandwidth: 100Mbit Unmetered Premium Bandwidth
IPs: 5 Usable IPv4
Location: West Virginia (USA)
Monthly: $35/Month
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Dual Intel Xeon 5520
CPU: 2.26Ghz - 2 Processors (8 Cores / 16 Threads)
Memory: 48GB DDR3
Storage: 1x 2TB HDD
Bandwidth: 100Mbit Unmetered Premium Bandwidth
IPs: 5 Usable IPv4
Location: West Virginia (USA)
Monthly: $40/Month - Coupon Code: LET5520NEW
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Dual Intel Xeon 5630
CPU: 2.13Ghz - 2.4Ghz Turbo - 2 Processors (8 Cores / 16 Threads)
Memory: 48GB DDR3
Storage: 1x 2TB HDD
Bandwidth: 100Mbit Unmetered Premium Bandwidth
IPs: 5 Usable IPv4
Location: West Virginia (USA)
Monthly: $45/Month - Coupon Code: LET5630NEW
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Dual Intel Xeon 5639
CPU: 2.13Ghz - 2 Processors - 2 Processors (12 Cores / 24 Threads)
Memory: 64GB DDR3
Storage: 1x 1TB HDD or 120GB SSD
Bandwidth: 1Gbit Port: 33TB/Month
IPs: 5 Usable IPv4
Location: Missouri (USA)
Monthly: $49/Month
Order Custom Built Version Now!
West Virginia Facility Network/Peering Providers:
*Tinet Spa
*Equinix Exchange (Ashburn, VA)
*Cogent Communications
*Black Lotus Communications
*NTT America
*GTT Communications
*Hurricane Electric
The GPU rentals are on the expensive side but the option to send your own is pretty cool. Do you get it back at the end of the rental? Is there a return shipping charge? Can you say the actual model numbers of the AMD CPUs and is there a chance of offering the GPU option with faster processors? Thanks!
P.S.: Your web site is very slow!
@willie - Thanks for the questions
Yeah we figured we'd give the option to rent or send your own, both have been fairly successful, but sending your own has been a popular one, especially for those who already own the GPU.
The customer pays the shipping charges to send it to us and have it shipped back. You definitely would get the card back unless for some reason a payment isn't made and things go unpaid. Then it's held until payment is made (haven't had to run into that yet since our customers that send us equipment usually are good about submitting cancellations).
We can occasionally offer them on some faster CPUs, that's usually on a per-case basis so I'd suggest contacting sales and they can confirm based on the CPU(s) you're interested in. The E3 and i7-6700K have been the most popular with our GPUs but we have had a few one off faster CPUs added.
The AMDs are FX based. Although we may through in a few higher end Opterons as well as there have been requests.
Thanks for the site note, I passed it along to the team to look into.
Oh interesting! I didn't notice earlier that the cpu list scrolled from left to right, so there are actually some more serious cpu's in there. At first I only saw the lowest AMD's and i3. Nice
I've saved a link to this thread for future reference, but if you run a similar offer I hope you'll mention the GPU options in the title, so it will be easier to find.
Do you think you might offer an RTO option for the GPU card, or possibly an offer to sell the card outright?
This is quite a good offer either way, especially when you consider the disks/ssd's on the bigger servers, plus the absence of a setup fee.
@willie - Yup, there's a larger list
We may push GPUs more in the near future, still seeing how well it does. We haven't came to any discussions on RTO/sell outright on the cards, but I wouldn't rule it out. In the mean time, I'm open to individual requests if someone reaches out inquiring about RTO/purchasing outright.
Thanks! I don't have an immediate requirement and want to get out of the habit of buying hardware before I'm ready to actually deploy it. But I've been interested in GPU's for a while, so I'll keep that in mind.
@Dedispec the GPU offerings do you allow the use of the iGPU ?
@willie - Just a heads up, we did decide to allow a GPU in our custom dual E5-2660v1 which is the first of our dual E5's to have that option (send your own or rent one).
@LaDc - We don't block anything, so if it's a chip with an integrated GPU than you can utilize it.
Thanks. Right now I'm looking at the hourly rentals at 65 cents an hour for the interesting one adds up to a lot per month, but it's just a few bucks to spend an evening experimenting. If a few sessions of that leads anywhere interesting then I can think about a buying a card and shipping it to you .