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VPS Hosting for LEB Fans | 128mb/$3/m | 256mb/$5/m | 512mb/$7/m
A BassHost's Linux VPS Hosting plan is a great bridge between shared hosting and dedicated servers. You can completely customize your VPS plan to match your specific hosting needs and upgraded anytime as your site grows. We provide Low End Box fans with unmanaged VPS so they can configure it to their needs. Also Bass Host has partnered with SolusVM to provide Low End Box fans with an easy to use and secure VPS control panel. We also offer a 5 day money back guarantee if you are unhappy with your VPS.
VPS.5 128mb ram/10 HB HDD/ 100 GB Bandwidth - $3/month
VPS1 256mb ram/25 HB HDD/ 250 GB Bandwidth - $5/month
VPS2 512mb ram/50 HB HDD/ 500 GB Bandwidth - $7/month
Go Here To Order:
Location Denver,CO
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If you have any questions please post below or email sales at basshost dot com.
They are completely different
Says SolusVM on their site but looks like my Xen interface.
I don't know vps interfaces though. They just point me to the login.
edit: Their site just took out my browser. (FF 3.0.19) Not cool although it may be on my end. Before I crashed, I did notice that their specials looked to be the same plans as their regular offering and at the same price. I'm not going to go back and double check though as Im trying t get some work done and crashing the browser causes issues. Can someone take a look please?
Having the same offerings isn't an issue with me. Many providers regular prices are offered here as such. Just seems like from the leb.html page over there, that this is special pricing.
reedit: the 128meg plan appears to be the same as the normal 128meg plan.
@pepaya openvz my bad I did not provide that info.
@drmike The only difference is the 512 mb plan it is 3 dollars cheaper but 1 ip less.
Also let me know if you guys are having problems with the site.
Site seems to be down this morning.
Been down for more than 4 hours now. Definitely not a good sign a few hours after posting the offer...
bit of a delay on the response we experienced a corrupt database on the main server which caused this.