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Which Server would be best for my VPS needs
Hello LETians,
I need 20 VPS on a dedicated server. Each VPS config is : RAM- 768 MB, HD - 30 GB, IP - 1, BW - 1TB per month, VPS - Windows, CPU- 2 to 3 Ghz each.
So above is my basic config for each VPS. I need 20 like this. So could any please let me know which would be best fit for me. Also which CPU would be best to host 20 VPS easily.
How could I decide that how many VPS I can run on a particular CPU. Does it depends on cores ? 1 core = VPS cpu ?
Please help me in figuring out these details.
I assume you're looking for shared CPU per VPS. Otherwise you can't get that many dedicated CPU cores.
It depends on your CPU usage. E3s would work if all your VPS don't need that many CPU at once, otherwise you might look at E5s.
Yes..I can go with shared CPU's per vps. I will run only one app on Windows VPS.
So any quad core E3s would be ok for me ?
40 cores/80 threads (4 x E7-4870), w/1TB RAM Dedibox Extreme from if you're willing to spend €1,899 monthly (plus €1,500 setup) for 1 server
Without... gasp redundancy???? Please consider renting 2 of them :P
OP E3 or E5 should both fit your requirements...