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$5 Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean vs. Amazon Lightsail vs. Vultr
Hacker News discussion:
Thanked by 1willie
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Read that. It's worthless because that guy seems to be quite clueless and focussed only on the big and us-american players.
We have quite some providers here who offer more bang for the buck and no less or worse support and quality.
A list would be cool.
linode rocks in CPU/RAM speed, Lightsail has the best network, but sucks with DiskIO.
Just look at the current Top Provider Poll and the reasons given by the users.
Well sure, but most of them aren't in a similar product category: hourly servers, in a range of sizes and locations.
what if amazon plan to invest $1 billion.... nevermind.
Just curious, what do you find clueless about him?
Just because it's not useful to your specific desires does not make it "worthless."
Not everyone wants to be hosted by a small one man shop (no offense to one man shops) and it's quite absurd to have an issue with people wanting to be hosted by larger companies with significant resources and manpower behind their services.
Agree 100%. (not for the worthless, everyone has his opinion and i respect that), for the fact that many hosting provider there offer (my opinion) a better service.
I have right now 2 VPS with Inc Hosting and 1 with Host4US. Honestly ? I dont regret the old D.O Days. Very happy with both of them. My Opinion is thay have a better network and vps are less "crowded". I moved away because..... its impossible that you create a droplet on DO and after 6 hours presents corruption problems (honestly if i have to setup, well, a lamp with OpenLitespeed its not so fast). And the corruption problem happend 2 times last year. Maybe im unlucky (s**t happens) but what i hated (with all respect about them) was the answer. They didnt want to know the cause. -..-
Yes, i can have unlimited traffic on DO (it was the "gift" for the "early adopter") but honestly idc.
I have to agree a little...
That is clueless
Everything else seems great to me. And nobody here uses sysbench, so that is a good point too
AFAIK that test depends on the memory speed only ( like the Geekbench ones)
Based on what, please?
Read the OP?
yeah I rather real world benchmarks ^_^
You're stefeman? It's clear that he didn't read per hinted as TL:DR.
I say he is clueless because that's what he obviously is. And I say that "showdown" is worthless because that's what it obviously is. "X has more band width while Y has more RAM" is worthless blabla - particularly with large providers. Maybe X has lots of bandwidth in location A but not in loc. B? Maybe Y has more but slower RAM?
Things aren't that simple.
I'm under the clear impression that that guy didn't mean to provide valuable info but rather to enhance his own visibility and to bait clicks for his blog (and probably he gets kickbacks, too ...).
An example for cluelessness (or plain stupidity) is to only look at the big 4 and to completely ignore mid-size players or interesting players with high potential.
For a start it's a fairy tale that the big players are the best or offer the best service (typical mindless statement "They have 100 support people, mom and dad provider has 1. Guess where you get better support").
Could be he's only testing popular web hosts with hourly billing ? that's what i did test popular web hosts my centmin mod users use + hourly billing so that cost of such testing is minimal
As some web hosts are only monthly billing so even at $5/month for testing 3-10 LEB hosts would be $15-50 for a month cost wise versus a few dollars over a few days or hours of testing
Yeah that was my perception as well. "What is the minimum benchmark scripts I can run in order to get pageviews..."
Of course we know... Provider with 100 support people will do better. There you go, I'm feeding your trolling attempts.
If only you had activated your brain before trying to pull of your attempt to accuse me of trolling...
Which one is better, 5 brits with some know-how or 200 cheap labour people somewhere in india providing "support"?
And: Why do the large ISPs typically just shit on their customers? Maybe because they can being large? Maybe because there's a difference between being one of 5000 valued customers or or a faceless nobody in millions of customers?
Is it preferable to interact with one of 100 clueless support-bots offering but canned answers or with one of 5 support people who have the means and the understanding that a well supported customer is a staying one who might bring on others?
Another example: I was senior engineer for a very big corp and ibm and hp kissed my feet. Another time I helped client with a small firm and we got but arrogance, ignorance, and canned answers, showing that they often didn#t even understand the request.
Short: Big does not equate to good (neither to bad although often it does).
You just needed to smit
This is racist and (many times) untrue.
Many people in India have not only expertise, but also experience in support.
Cheap is relative, an Indian worker in India is cheaper than an UK resident Indian worker, the cost of living is different in the 2 countries, however, this does not mean they are not comparable technical and communication side. It may be that cheaper is worse, or the other way around. Actually, I think the difference in support in some big companies versus small ones is not in the fact that they have US/UK residents offering support instead of Indian ones, just that they pay better and have higher standards, the Indians themselves, as anyone else, are not equal.
Cheap labour... Well, the word has many uses in English, I think your use is not appropriate for it.
Also, "some know-how" acquired from 9 to 5, 5 days a week is probably less than "some know-how" acquired from 7 to 20, 7 days a week with a high load per person, even in a less challenging field, such as low level support.
Generalizations do not usually work, trust me.
If you are evaluating WordPress hosting, it turns out that the size of the hosting company is everything. Stay away from large WordPress hosts:
I wonder if the same could be said for hosting in general.
Smaller guys are too smart to allow WordPress, so- no.
That's not racist. It just so happens that it's India that has become some kind of global place to go to for cheap call centers and support.
"cheap" being the keyword. My attack is in no way one on indians but one on the large corps who want the cheapest pro-forma support they can possibly get away with. (And sure enough, one will soon find idiots praising that A corp has X hundred support people)
HR is one of the largest items on the cost sheet and troublesome, too, as humans get ill or pregnant or leave or ... hence "smart" (read "asshole") corporations try to cut costs and buy "support" from india (or whatever happens to be the sweetest spot for them).
Of course, indians aren't stupid - but fucking nobody, indian, romanian, you name it, can give good support when they haven't got proper (and expensive) training on the products and when they actually are but reading answers from a knowledge base with canned question/response combos.
P.S. With "brits" I meant local people sitting in the office of the provider.
That's right neither to bad". Good you are learning. Remember is all in the customer perspective. If you know the field and go with a "big company" it might work or it might not work for you. It depends on the expectations you have.
In Summary: AWS, AZURE and Google Cloud Computing, all of these are giant and they do provide an excellent service. However the words excellent, good and bad, are relative...
But you can always measure success by the amount of active customers along with profit charts.
Now about that ego:
I highly doubt HP and IBM kissed your feets. That might be your perspective. For me "kissing my feets" means earning half a million a year and having a great retirement plan. If that's your case, congratulations, if not, you need to climb down of that cloud before you realize the truth.
Many small companies hire cheap support, because they cannot afford otherwise and pay per ticket/event, etc.
When you use solus/whmcs, etc, training on product is pretty cheap and most of the time not needed.
Sure, it is usually right that cheap is worse than expensive, but you specifically compared 5 "good" UK people which are supposed to do a better job than 200 "bad" Indian people and you call BS on my comment.
This is all about race (or actually, location, since many UK support people are of south asian origin), whether you wish to admit (or even are aware of) it or not. If you specified no location, that would have been OK, I agree with the rest, mostly.
EDIT: I think I clearly addressed the "cheap" part in my comment. Absolutely an Indian worker will be cheaper in average than an UK one, because cost of living in the two countries is different and opportunities for an UK resident are much better, does this mean Indian residents are worse than UK residents? Absolutely not, the same money will buy you better support from India than from UK, if you do your HR or contracting job well.
You are still one of my favourite TL;DR people.
Poor and utterly failed attempt. I think that everyone with a brain and without the intention to mistake me could easily get what I said.
As for egos: Funny. You try again to put yourself above me and blabber about "ego". Come again when you have something to contribute to the matter at hand and not at persons here.
That non-discussion is over. I don't care shit about your human rights, political activism, and social justice private war.
My point was not that indians are somehow stupid, period, end of issue.
If 5 UK residents do a better job than 200 Indian residents, then it means exactly that.
The sad thing is that you are not even aware of your way of thinking and blame others for social activism, supporting human rights, "liberalism" and other crimes. You are just another example of the "great" people which will bring a new world order, you probably had enough of the good life so far and feel the need for a change.
I don't I am a conservative and try to conserve the peace, stability, prosperity, rule of law, checks and balances, democracy etc.
I agree with your right to an opinion, I disagree the law should be used against hate speech, racists, holocaust deniers, whatever, political correctness is not the way, we must have a debate on those things all the time, so the people with small brains and education will be clearly visible and not be able to take up high positions in politics.