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HE NYC -> Paris connection down?
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I think there was some network issue, I'm not in US nor EU but in my location (Viet Nam), I've just got some problem with connection to US too.
(Access to US website was slow. Ping to Google suddenly go very high, normal ping is around 30ms, but about 2 hours ago, it was about 300ms)
Connection is still down :-(
My traceroute to the US still stops in Paris. (HE hop in Paris-France)
And when I test a US to Europe connection (go from my own connection, to a VPS in Sweden, and from that connect to a BuyVM connection in San Jose), it stops at a HE hop in NYC.
It tooks them about 26 hours to get it back up-and-running ...
(oh and between NYC and Paris there was another hop, the one that didn't response and that was in ASH)