All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active. | 2012 Deal | Unmtered 1Gb/s VPS

A new year a new offer. For the start of 2012 we are going to be offering 17% off for life, you may think that's a different number from what you usually see, we at ReThinkVPS think that 2012 is going to be the year to do things differently and really penetrate the market to offer our great low end VPS's to everyone that is looking for the right deal.
With our new 2012 coupon will bring our VPS 1.0 plan price down to $6.60 per month for life. All you need to do is use the coupon code "2012" when ordering.
The plan contains:
Disk Space: 30GB
Bandwidth: Unmetered! (1Gb/s)
Guaranteed RAM: 128MB
Burstable RAM: 512MB
Dedicated IP's: 1
You can find our speed tests here at
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1Gb/s = 10gbps?
I didn't see the "10gbps" anywhere in the page but 1Gb/s = 1gbps not 10.
1Gb/s = 8gbps
Bandwidth: Unmetered! (1Gb/s)
really? 1 gigabyte per second? 8 gigabits per second?
Fail when a host doesn't know what they're selling.
I have always thought Gb reffered to gigabit not gigabyte.
1 Gb = 1gigabit, 1GB = 1gigabyte, why can't we learn that already?
The 'G' is capatalized, not the 'b'.
A capitalized B means 'byte' and a small 'b' means bit. But as far as I know, there is no difference between a capitalized G or a small g.
Thus 'Gbps' or 'gbps' doesn't make a difference afaik
( )
Why are your test files just filled up shell scripts?
I didn't create them, they where downloaded from another source.
This is not exactly good advertising.
Oh, damn, my bad. Sorry @rethinkvps. I really thought there is capital 'b'.
Not really, it's the B that counts.
@breton Everyone makes mistakes.
Gb/GB same thing.. obviously not. Oops.
This makes me sad
test link down? I tried from 3 different locations and cannot download the files. That can't be good.
Sorry I took it down for a moment. Should be up and running in 5 minutes.
Yup, working now.
Damn! Too cheap! Why you didn't came like 5 months ago?!
In future announcements, please state which virtualization you are using. Thanks.