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Free billing means free Clientexec?
Read the rules pleb..
You cannot post unlimited storage offers.
oh sorry i will change soon
Seem to good to be true... And with dedicated ip. @yusufg90 can you give us some details about your company? (Since when are you in hosting business? Are you registered in UK? etc.)
@webcraft is not free with clientexec sorry about that
Golden-hosts is a reliable hosting company that offers web hosting,reseller,DDOS Protection nd more! Come with us today,we offer good very cheap prices and we promise to give you the best of services. Our uptime is 99.9%.Our host also offers free premium support to our customers 24/7. and it been almost 2 years now
I signed up and I should say that I am impressed. No testing from me till now, but a lot of specs for minimum price:
1. Dedicated CLEAN ip
2. WHM reselling capabilities
3. Jailed ssh access (available for crons, tar, zip etc., excellent for own backups - transfering)
4. Probably the server is divided to several vps for balance (?). My account has access to 2 cores of a E5-1620 v2 server with 4GB memory. There are ~20 shared clients to the vps/server I am with (those informations are available in WHM panel!). Server load is equal or over the 2 cores cpu allocation (from 1.98 to 2.75 as i saw the last couple of hours), but memory is way below limits (~25% of 4GB)
5. Ticket answering is pretty fast (some post sales technical question and a fix to WHM password answered/fixed in less than an hour)
6. There is a phone number available for support
7. They have a public whois, their domain has been registered in early 2015 and there are snapshots in wayback machine since then, aka, they are in business a couple of months less than 2 years.
So, the delivery of the product impressed me (10 pounds per year). Now, I will try to test it in real conditions to gain some facts on the reliability of the service itself. I wonder how can this be viable for the hoster, in economical view.
And of course, it has to be proven if this is for the long run. Hope the best to Yusuf.