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Special offer from MailChannels for existing MailBaby customers - Page 2
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Special offer from MailChannels for existing MailBaby customers



  • adlyadly Veteran

    @interservermike said:
    Francisco is absolutely right. Interserver provides the developers, rack full of servers, /19 of ip, abuse department staff, and everything else needed to run a business. Stand alone the baby would cost 10's of thousands to run. It is and would be totally unprofitable.

    We originally started it to reduce our mail channels bill that was in the thousands. Then John suggested that we should sell it to customers. It was a joke at first. We said let's spin it off and call it something stupid. I typed mail into domain search. First result Nine months later Baby was born.

    We always had the ability to run it without mc. But we thought why cut them out. Let's spread the joy let them make some $$$. We did not want to run the whole thing anyway. Little did we know they would give us 2 weeks to bounce. Little did they know we had all we need and bounced in a weekend.

    We never competed with Mc target client. They got a taste of all our mail volume.

    In the last two years I'm the shmuck that turned away any potential customers asking for millions of emails and suggested they go to Mc directly.

    These acts of baby abuse are absurd. They are in a price war with themselves. I am sure that they would not appreciate baby offering 1 year free mail to any of their customers..........

    The fact your side gig project is clearly enough of a threat that they had to post this is more telling about them than anything else.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited May 23
  • JosephFJosephF Member
    edited May 23

    Why did MC drop MB?

    And why the sudden acrimony?

  • adlyadly Veteran

    @JosephF said:
    And why the sudden acrimony?

    Because the baby learned to walk on its own.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • AltesAltes Member

    I can’t believe that someone can be this desperate for their job… I assume this hasn’t been vetted by the shareholders in any sense. If it was… I have never seen such utter and shameless desperation in my life!

    How can you expect to fix the damage you have incurred to the brand after this? To actually do this to a former business partner…


    Thanked by 1fluffernutter
  • alexroeualexroeu Member

    I can expect at this moment that MailChannels to also attack other former customers they have, or actual customers when they will change providers. Also, for me, moral integrity is paramount for a company that handle private communications between other entities. After such attack I would not trust MailChannels with my emails or my client's emails.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited May 23

    See the thing is, and I'm going to share some branding strategy here...

    You have to establish yourself as the underdog before you can talk about competitors that way.

    You don't even have to be small or poor to be viewed as the underdog. Apple was positioned that way with their "I'm a Mac" commercials and later, because those became so iconic, Microsoft was able to play underdog for a while despite their billions in the bank (though they largely slept on the chance, their loyal customers didn't).

    Anyone can be an underdog, even if you wipe your tears with thousand dollar bills. It's about reading the room, it's about understanding common perception, and it's about being run over by a giant. But if you read the room you'll know comes off as the underdog here. Far more today than yesterday, in fact. The giant that tried to run over them is now openly bragging about it in a community that heavily favors the underdog.

    Tone deaf barely begins to describe it.

  • tjntjn Member

    @interservermike said:
    These acts of baby abuse are absurd. They are in a price war with themselves. I am sure that they would not appreciate baby offering 1 year free mail to any of their customers..........

    Thanked by 1COLBYLICIOUS
  • bulabula Member

    Mike and John @Interserver are one of the nicest and decent people I have come to know in this industry. I have used their servers about 20yrs+ ago and they very extremely helpful and patient when I was running hosting business. Granted I am no longer in Hosting business but still have one of their VPS service for backup purposes. with this MC attack, I plan to purchase their service as a support, even though I do not need to use it.

    Keep it up @interservermike. You guys operate an amazing service. Whenever you have a server available on the westcoast do let me know.

  • OldschoolOldschool Member

    @mc_ksimpson said:
    Attention MailBaby Customers,

    Have you noticed MailBaby's service quality declining recently? That's because they stopped using MailChannels to send emails their own platform couldn't handle.

    It's time to switch to the real thing. MailChannels has invested over $15 million and 12 years into developing the most sophisticated email delivery technology stack in the industry. Our automated abuse detection and delivery optimization is unmatched. That's why the largest web hosts and household names trust MailChannels for their critical email needs.

    MailBaby simply can't demonstrate the same track record of reliability and scalability for the most demanding customers. And the gap is only going to widen.

    MailChannels continues to heavily invest in R&D, with game-changing AI features coming later this year to further boost accuracy and reduce your support headaches. Meanwhile, MailBaby built a small service entirely dependent on us until recently.

    Go with the real MailChannels - more reliable and better supported, as proven by our top-tier customer base.

    For a limited time, get the real MailChannels advantage at an unbeatable price! We're offering MailBaby customers just $0.15/thousand messages with no monthly account fee, regardless of volume. Just visit and our team will get you upgraded within one business day.

    Don't settle for less. Get the platform the pros trust. Switch to MailChannels today!


    How long will this pricing last?

    This is the new standard pricing for MailBaby customers, with no planned changes. We'll even lock it in with a 12-month commitment if you'd like.

    Will MailChannels limit my email content?

    Our standard, industry-leading anti-abuse measures apply. But you'll have control with features like "Not Spam" and "De-list Sender" buttons for easy management.

    What if I prepay by PayPal?

    No problem! Just $100 minimum to avoid a small $10 processing fee.

    Why this offer?

    We're investing in our platform's future, and we want LowEndTalk customers to experience the MailChannels difference without worrying about cost.

    Make the switch today at!

    The MailChannels Team

    The standard pricing with no planned changes, and then won't comment on pricing after the 12 months other than saying contract.

    Only way to halfway save yourself on this is to guarantee that pricing.

    No planned changes is about the biggest lie I've ever seen on LET. LoL

  • NyrNyr Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited May 24

    For those like me who were not aware, @mc_ksimpson is apparently none other than the CEO of MailChannels.

    Best way out at this point would be to admit that he was drunk when this thread was created.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • mc_ksimpsonmc_ksimpson Member, Patron Provider

    Hi Everyone,

    I sincerely apologize for criticizing MailBaby in my original post. I should have stuck to describing our offer, which is aggressive enough by its nature. @interservermike, calling MailBaby out for the false positive downtime on May 15th was a bad call on my part. I'm sorry about this.

    I also want to apologize for the delay in responding to sales inquiries. We are working hard to reply to everyone as quickly as possible.

    To clarify the concerns about price stability, if anyone wants a long term deal, we can arrange a term commitment of up to 36 months. Please note that term commitments do imply a minimum volume commitment, whereas the currently offered deal has no minimum volume requirement.

    We are committed to making a positive and growing contribution to the LowEndTalk community and to learning from our missteps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out directly using our contact form:

    Thank you for your understanding and candid feedback.

    Thanked by 1amaeva080
  • mc_ksimpsonmc_ksimpson Member, Patron Provider

    @Nyr said:
    For those like me who were not aware, @mc_ksimpson is apparently none other than the CEO of MailChannels.

    Best way out at this point would be to admit that he was drunk when this thread was created.

    @Nyr, Yes, I am the CEO of MailChannels. And the poor communication in this thread is entirely my fault.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Moderator, Patron Provider

    @bula said: Mike and John @Interserver are one of the nicest and decent people I have come to know in this industry. I have used their servers about 20yrs+ ago and they very extremely helpful and patient. . . .

    ^This^, for sure! And it bears repeating! So, yeah, again, ^this^ for sure!

    Please see what I wrote about my own good, wonderful old Interserver days!

    @bula said: Keep it up @interservermike. You guys operate an amazing service. Whenever you have a server available on the westcoast do let me know.

    @interservermike Me too, please! Thank you so much!

    Thanked by 2interservermike bula
  • conerficonerfi Member


    Thanked by 1interservermike
  • mafidommafidom Member

    Will the real baby please stand up.. please stand up... If this is how the CEO acts.. I can just imagine how the rest of staff behaves.

  • LeviLevi Member

    “At that moment he knew - he fcked up…”.

    That’s probably the biggest shot in own leg on this forum history. @FlorinMarian you have been overthrown by a multi-million company ceo on a bad PR stunt.

    Holy shit. And this will be indexed by google. I believe directors board (if its exist) at mc will not be satisfied with this.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran
    edited May 24

    @Levi said: Holy shit. And this will be indexed by google. I believe directors board (if its exist) at mc will not be satisfied with this.

    The AI budget is about to get cut in half.


  • interservermikeinterservermike Member, Patron Provider
    edited May 24

    @Levi said:
    “At that moment he knew - he fcked up…”.

    Holy shit. And this will be indexed by google.

    Maybe top result for "mailchannels vs mailbaby"

  • KrisKris Member

    To be honest, this is the best advertising for mailchannels vs mailbaby.

    The fact you've made the CEO of a company with this much skin in the game so worried made me sign up.

    Thanked by 1BlaZe
  • interservermikeinterservermike Member, Patron Provider

    Agreed. But maybe someone will search mailbaby vs mailchannels or mailchannels alternative

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @interservermike said:
    Agreed. But maybe someone will search mailbaby vs mailchannels or mailchannels alternative

    They're about to spend the other half of the AI budget to get @jbiloh to nuke this or move it out of google search reach.


  • KrisKris Member

    @Francisco said: They're about to spend the other half of the AI budget to get @jbiloh to nuke this or move it out of google search reach.

    How many data points are we down to?

  • neohneoh Member

    Look at the title I just would've thought the baby was deadpooled but now I just see an arrogant person adult's trying to hold it back with a "cheap" move.
    @toddler You guys're doing a great job! Keep it up!

    Thanked by 1interservermike
  • lirrrlirrr Member

    Imagine losing to a baby

    Thanked by 1dosai
  • NameCraneNameCrane Member, Patron Provider

    John at Interserver/ actually fixed a problem we had with MailChannels (when they were still using them, prior to getting booted) that MC support never pointed out after hundreds of tickets over the years.

    We moved to the baby for a number of reasons, and there's definitely been a few bumps this last month, but the support we've received is worth the extra $0.05/1k emails. Hell, they've given us tips and technical advice for running our own spam filtering relays (along with @jar who has gone above and beyond to help us with nothing in it for him).

    MC is totally cool with you burning credits and racking up a bill on failures, meanwhile baby has been actively helping us reduce that bill and send less junk towards them.

    We've lost a few customers and had to profusely apologize to others, but I appreciate this thread as it perfectly embodies the contempt we felt as MailChannels customers - and is now on full public display for all to see.

    We're not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

  • BlaZeBlaZe Member, Host Rep
    edited May 24

    @Francisco said:

    @interservermike said:
    Agreed. But maybe someone will search mailbaby vs mailchannels or mailchannels alternative

    They're about to spend the other half of the AI budget to get @jbiloh to nuke this or move it out of google search reach.


    Maybe @raindog308 can write an article about this on LEB. Classic example of a bad PR in the hosting industry
    Top 5 bad PR strategies of the decade (5 can goto 50 maybe for the decade)

    If this gets published, I can maybe use this as an example while teaching to my students of B School

    Although you admit that this thread was your own idea but if this bad PR idea was given to you by any of your subordinates then you know it's time to boot that person, as this has done more damage to your brand than you can imagine.

    Thanked by 2Kris _MS_
  • LeviLevi Member

    That’s not simply bad PR.

    This is direct and massive blow to company reputation and trust. No sane people will use services which goes to revenge and denounce campaign to crush their former customers. This so low… and now it is indexed by majority of search engines!

    I wonder if Bilo will cover this jackals ass.

    Thanked by 1jonesolutions
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