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Looking for a VPS in the US With 4 Ryzen 7950x vCPU Cores, 16GB RAM
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Looking for a VPS in the US With 4 Ryzen 7950x vCPU Cores, 16GB RAM

TocharoTocharo Member


I'm looking for a VPS to host a heavily modded Minecraft server for approximately 10-20 people, and using it long-term to host subsequent packs.

I have a budget of $30~ per month and the server must be in the United States. Please provide a looking glass! I will need to check the latency from different places.

Dedicated cores would be very much preferred, although this isn't an absolute requirement.

I was interested in @HostEONS's Hybrid 7950 VDS 4; it was perfect, but I guess I was too late and they raised the price from $28 per month to $36, plus an additional $8 fee for locations other than SLC.

I also looked into @oplink's Premium Plus plan on their specials, and while it has many cores, they aren't dedicated. I will most likely be going with them if I don't find a better deal.

@crunchbits was another option, but they are almost always sold out, probably focusing on their GPU VDSs.

I've seen other suitable providers based in Germany, the Netherlands, etc., but I need servers in the US since that is where my player base is.

Would anyone be able to recommend other providers that can meet my specifications? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you!


  • zGatozGato Member
    edited May 5

    This is the closest I can find to your request, which is roughly within your budget if you use my affiliated link.

    @AezaHost, available in Los Angeles, US 🇺🇸

    • Plan: ALBs-4
    • CPU: 8 shared cores (AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D)
    • RAM: 16GB DDR5
    • Storage: 240 GB NVMe
    • Unlimited bandwidth @ 1Gbps
    • Network: 1 IPv4 address included, IPv6 is not available in this location.

    For: 35€/month (roughly $37.70 USD / month) (if paid yearly)
    Even cheaper if you use my affiliated link which will give you 15% bonus on your first balance topup | non-affiliated

    They don't have a public looking glass, however, you can ping a random IP from their subnets (e.g
    (can deploy a hourly instance and host a 1GB.bin file if you want)

  • davidedavide Member

    HostHatch — $15.00 / month:

    • 4 Epyc vCores
    • 16384 MB RAM
    • 75 GB NVMe
    • 5120 GB/month bandwidth
    • 10.0 Gbps port speed
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • US location
  • georgedatacentergeorgedatacenter Member, Patron Provider

    16GB DDR5
    100 GB NVMe Gen5
    Unmetered Bandwidth
    Port 1Gigabit
    1 IPV4 | /64 IPV6
    KVM Virtualization

    $28 mon

  • conceptconcept Member
    edited May 5

    5 Cores (7950x)
    12 GB DDR5
    180 GB NVMe
    16 TB @ 10 Gbps
    Los Angeles or Ashburn

    Looking Glass
    Speedypage Ashburn

    Speedypage Los Angeles

    12 Dedicated Cores (I believe they use Ryzen 7900x)
    16GB Ram
    160GB NVMe SSD
    10TB BW @ 10Gbit
    Tampa, FL

    Thanked by 1SolidSeoVPS
  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    contact @rsk and @Clouvider

    Thanked by 2Clouvider rsk
  • sh97sh97 Member, Host Rep

    Checkout @berrybyte too

    Thanked by 1berrybyte
  • TocharoTocharo Member

    Wow, lots of suggestions here :D

    This seems like another solid choice, I will use the aff. link if I do decide to go with them, but the company being based in Russia does give me pause.

    I have multiple services with HostHatch already, ironically one being a smaller Minecraft server. Performance was okay, just looking for quite a substantial upgrade.

    SpeedyPage is a bit too expensive on the 16gb plan which is a requirement, and I can't access solidseo's looking glass, it just times out :(

    Sure, I didn't know they can provide custom deals honestly.

    Honestly looks good, but both the Pro/Elder plan are out of my budget for the specs :( I need full control of the server, I absolutely despise dealing with restrictions of game panels.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member
    edited May 5

    @Tocharo said:

    @dev_vps said:

    contact @rsk and @Clouvider

    Sure, I didn't know they can provide custom deals honestly.

    both are among the premium providers on LET.

    Thanked by 1Tocharo
  • zGatozGato Member
    edited May 5

    @Tocharo said:
    Wow, lots of suggestions here :D

    This seems like another solid choice, I will use the aff. link if I do decide to go with them, but the company being based in Russia does give me pause.

    They're Russian based, however, you pay directly to their UK-based entity.
    All of their non-Russian assets are under this UK entity.

    I've been using them for over a year already (even before they had this UK entity) and has been a flawless experience.

    Thanked by 1Tocharo
  • SolidSeoVPSSolidSeoVPS Member, Patron Provider

    @concept said:
    5 Cores (7950x)
    12 GB DDR5
    180 GB NVMe
    16 TB @ 10 Gbps
    Los Angeles or Ashburn

    Looking Glass
    Speedypage Ashburn

    Speedypage Los Angeles

    12 Dedicated Cores (I believe they use Ryzen 7900x)
    16GB Ram
    160GB NVMe SSD
    10TB BW @ 10Gbit
    Tampa, FL

    @concept Thanks for the shoutout!, the correct link to this LG is

  • conceptconcept Member

    If Epyc Milan could work, Advin has this in stock in Los Angeles
    8 vCPU
    32GB RAM
    240GB NVMe SSD
    30TB Bandwidth @ 10Gbit

    There are other hosting providers that offer Epyc VPS that would meet your budget and specs requirements. Ryzen 7900 series Dedicated servers are hard to come by and already expensive.
    For ex, Ryzen 7900 Dedicated Servers are at least $150/m and ones with 7950x are over $200/m

  • SolidSeoVPSSolidSeoVPS Member, Patron Provider
    edited May 5

    How about EPYC 8GB for $60/year (EPYC Milan and EPYC Rome) available in 7 locations worldwide, morning locations coming soon

    You can check all YABS here

  • CoolGeekCoolGeek Member

    You mentioned oplink in your post, but I had them and they shut off my VPS for using ffmpeg. When I asked how they suggest I limit it to using less of the CPU, they were clueless. I'm definitely not a fan of "here we're selling you this, but don't use too much of it" and if they want to limit it, then THEY should have that ability on their end.

    Thanked by 1Tocharo
  • rskrsk Member, Patron Provider

    We can do a custom deal in Spokane, WA

    4 shared 7950x cores and 16gb ddr5 ram and 10gbit port for $25/month

    Looking glass available at

    Thanked by 2dev_vps Tocharo
  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @CoolGeek said:
    You mentioned oplink in your post, but I had them and they shut off my VPS for using ffmpeg. When I asked how they suggest I limit it to using less of the CPU, they were clueless. I'm definitely not a fan of "here we're selling you this, but don't use too much of it" and if they want to limit it, then THEY should have that ability on their end.

    To run FFmpeg in Linux and limit its CPU usage to a maximum of 30%, you can use the taskset command along with the cpulimit tool. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Install cpulimit (if not already installed):

      If cpulimit is not already installed on your system, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, you can use:

      sudo apt-get install cpulimit
    2. Run FFmpeg with cpulimit:

      You can use cpulimit to limit the CPU usage of FFmpeg. Here's the general syntax:

      cpulimit -l 30 ffmpeg [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here]

      Replace [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here] with the actual FFmpeg command and its arguments you want to run. For example:

      cpulimit -l 30 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

      This command will limit the CPU usage of FFmpeg to 30% while it transcodes input.mp4 to output.mp4.

    3. Optional: Use taskset:

      If you want to further control which CPU cores FFmpeg can use, you can combine taskset with cpulimit. For example:

      taskset -c 0-3 cpulimit -l 30 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

      This command restricts FFmpeg to use CPU cores 0 to 3 (adjust the range as needed) and limits its CPU usage to 30%.

    By following these steps, you can run FFmpeg in Linux based OS while ensuring it uses a maximum of 30% of CPU resources. Adjust the percentage value according to your specific requirements.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @CoolGeek said:
    You mentioned @oplink in your post, but I had them and they shut off my VPS for using ffmpeg.
    When I asked how they suggest I limit it to using less of the CPU, they were clueless.

    You have the full control on how much cpu resources to be used. Refer to my previous post.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @rsk said:
    We can do a custom deal in Spokane, WA

    4 shared 7950x cores and 16gb ddr5 ram and 10gbit port for $25/month

    Looking glass available at

    +1 for @rsk
    Excellent performance of VPS with A+ support

    Thanked by 2Tocharo rsk
  • CoolGeekCoolGeek Member

    @dev_vps Thanks for the instructions. I looked briefly after it happened and saw there were a few options, but I was still amazed that they didn't offer up something like what you suggested or just limit it themselves. That would seem to be a much better option, like having the ability to burst for X amount of time then the system would automatically limit it for Y amount of time before increasing again to see if the user was still trying to request more.

    Nowadays, I almost always just go for a VDS. I can max it out if I want and I don't have to play the "we sell you this but don't use too much of it" game.

    Anyway, thanks for your post.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @CoolGeek said:
    @dev_vps Thanks for the instructions. I looked briefly after it happened and saw there were a few options, but I was still amazed that they didn't offer up something like what you suggested or just limit it themselves. That would seem to be a much better option, like having the ability to burst for X amount of time then the system would automatically limit it for Y amount of time before increasing again to see if the user was still trying to request more.

    Two words - unmanaged vps
    We are responsible for using the resources as per TOS

    Nowadays, I almost always just go for a VDS. I can max it out if I want and I don't have to play the "we sell you this but don't use too much of it" game.

    Anyway, thanks for your post.

    You’re most welcome.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    You can even allocate dynamic cpu resources based on time schedule

    To dynamically adjust the CPU usage of FFmpeg based on a schedule in Linux, you can utilize a combination of cpulimit, cron, and shell scripting. Here's a basic outline of how you can achieve this:

    1. Install cpulimit (if not already installed):

      Ensure that cpulimit is installed on your system. You can install it using your package manager if it's not already installed.

    2. Write a Bash script to run FFmpeg with varying CPU limits:

      Create a Bash script (let's call it that will run FFmpeg with different CPU limits based on the time of day. Here's a simplified example:

      current_hour=$(date +%H)
      if [[ $current_hour -ge 8 && $current_hour -lt 9 ]]; then
         cpulimit -l 30 ffmpeg [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here]
      elif [[ $current_hour -ge 9 && $current_hour -lt 10 ]]; then
         cpulimit -l 40 ffmpeg [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here]
      # Add more conditions for other time slots as needed
         ffmpeg [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here]  # Default case if no specific limit is set

      Replace [your_ffmpeg_arguments_here] with the actual FFmpeg command and its arguments you want to run.

    3. Make the script executable:

      Run the following command to make the script executable:

      chmod +x
    4. Set up cron jobs:

      Use cron to schedule the execution of the script at specific times. Open your crontab file by running:

      crontab -e

      Then, add entries similar to the following:

      0 8 * * * /path/to/
      0 9 * * * /path/to/
      # Add more entries for other time slots as needed

      These entries will run the script at 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, respectively.

    By following these steps, you can run FFmpeg in Linux while dynamically adjusting its CPU usage based on the schedule defined in your script. Adjust the script and cron job timings according to your specific requirements.

    Thanked by 1YassGames
  • CoolGeekCoolGeek Member
    edited May 6

    @v>; @dev_vps said:

    Two words - unmanaged vps
    We are responsible for using the resources as per TOS

    That would seemingly be agreeable, but when the TOS says, literally:

    Any extended use of shared resources over an extended time that negatively affects other clients or our network. Common fair shared resources but not limited to are inodes, storage space, vcores, unmetered bandwidth, and DDoS protection. If you abuse this policy, we will open a ticket to notify you.

    it's a bit like trying to stay under an imaginary line that you can't even see.

    They suspended the VPS then opened a ticket to notify me. It's pretty crazily up to the whims of the powers that be with language like that AUP. — Who's to even say limiting ffmpeg at 30% would be agreeable based on that?

    Anyway, thanks again for the instructions, but I prefer to know what I'm purchasing up front at this point and I won't be using oplink again.

  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    A reminder that AI-generated comments aren't allowed on this forum

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @angstrom said:
    A reminder that AI-generated comments aren't allowed on this forum

    Please accept my apologies. I will keep that in mind.

    My intent was to show that we can control how much resources are to be utilized.

    Again, my apologies.

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • berrybyteberrybyte Member, Host Rep

    @sh97 said:
    Checkout @berrybyte too

    Thanks for the rec! :)


    We can offer in Utah
    8 vCores Ryzen 9 7950x
    32GB RAM
    200GB NVMe
    1Gbps unmetered
    32$ monthly

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