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  • The HTTP 409 status code indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as the requested resource is not in the expected state, or the result of processing the request would create a conflict within the resource.

  • The largest hair dying lesson was attended by 409 participants and was achieved by Schwarzkopf Professional, in Lisbon, on 17 October 2011.

  • In an experiment by Belgian IT expert Didier Stevens in 2007, some 409 people willingly and deliberately downloaded a virus onto their computer. Stevens had been running a Google Adwords campaign for six months that offered users a free virus via the slogan ‘Is your PC virus-free? Get it infected here!’

  • The largest gathering of people dressed in Regency costumes was achieved by 409 participants, for the Jane Austen Festival in Bath, UK, on 19 September 2009.

  • The most juggling catches in one minute (five balls) is 409, achieved by Michael Ferreri (Spain).

  • TrKTrK Member

    @rattlecattle said:

    @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:
    Speaking of competitors may not be appreciated in this thread :wink:

    hmm true! you can DM me though.

    Thank you & Sorry, don't have any leads. :neutral:

    :unamused: you could have lied and given me some hope!

  • @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:

    @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:
    Speaking of competitors may not be appreciated in this thread :wink:

    hmm true! you can DM me though.

    Thank you & Sorry, don't have any leads. :neutral:

    :unamused: you could have lied and given me some hope!

    Here are some words of hope.

    In Singapore's land, a VPS you seek,
    A stable provider, that's what you need,
    Don't let your search make you feel blue,
    Just keep on looking, the right one is due,
    With leads strong and steady, your worries will cease,
    And your website's success, will be sure to increase.

  • TrKTrK Member

    @SocksAreComfortable said:
    420 when

    You tell, i can prolly do it by today!

  • TrKTrK Member

    @rattlecattle said:

    @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:

    @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:
    Speaking of competitors may not be appreciated in this thread :wink:

    hmm true! you can DM me though.

    Thank you & Sorry, don't have any leads. :neutral:

    :unamused: you could have lied and given me some hope!

    Here are some words of hope.

    In Singapore's land, a VPS you seek,
    A stable provider, that's what you need,
    Don't let your search make you feel blue,
    Just keep on looking, the right one is due,
    With leads strong and steady, your worries will cease,
    And your website's success, will be sure to increase.

    Applauds mate! :smiley:

  • TrKTrK Member

    So no leads -_-

  • @TrK said:
    Any Singapore leads for stable provider?

    What specs though

  • So we have 4 days in a row reaching top 1. @rattlecattle your page count calculations are denied completely :) One more day and we have more than you guessed :)

  • @MrEd said:
    So we have 4 days in a row reaching top 1. @rattlecattle your page count calculations are denied completely :) One more day and we have more than you guessed :)

    Stats recalculated:

    Days passed= 21.4 days
    Total comments= 12254
    Rate= 572.6 comments/day

    Days remaining= 14.5 days

    Estimated new comments = 8303
    Estimated total comments= 12254 + 8303 = 20557
    Estimated total pages= 685

    The estimated total pages has pushed to 685 from 445. That's about a 53% increase from the last estimate.

  • @rattlecattle said:

    @MrEd said:
    So we have 4 days in a row reaching top 1. @rattlecattle your page count calculations are denied completely :) One more day and we have more than you guessed :)

    Stats recalculated:

    Days passed= 21.4 days
    Total comments= 12254
    Rate= 572.6 comments/day

    Days remaining= 14.5 days

    Estimated new comments = 8303
    Estimated total comments= 12254 + 8303 = 20557
    Estimated total pages= 685

    The estimated total pages has pushed to 685 from 445. That's about a 53% increase from the last estimate.

    Thats a big increase, and the 1k/day counts started only 4 days ago, so this might increase even more.

  • TrKTrK Member

    @jmaxwell said:

    @TrK said:
    Any Singapore leads for stable provider?

    What specs though

    min 2GB RAM with 2vcpu and around 40GB ssd traffic more than 1TB

  • TrKTrK Member

    @MrEd said:

    @rattlecattle said:

    @MrEd said:
    So we have 4 days in a row reaching top 1. @rattlecattle your page count calculations are denied completely :) One more day and we have more than you guessed :)

    Stats recalculated:

    Days passed= 21.4 days
    Total comments= 12254
    Rate= 572.6 comments/day

    Days remaining= 14.5 days

    Estimated new comments = 8303
    Estimated total comments= 12254 + 8303 = 20557
    Estimated total pages= 685

    The estimated total pages has pushed to 685 from 445. That's about a 53% increase from the last estimate.

    Thats a big increase, and the 1k/day counts started only 4 days ago, so this might increase even more.

    Might, might not!

  • @MrEd said: Thats a big increase, and the 1k/day counts started only 4 days ago, so this might increase even more.

    Lets see where it leads to.

  • TrKTrK Member

    Should i start then?

  • Sure. Why not.

  • TrKTrK Member

    well here goes then!

    Hugging a loved one releases the hormone oxytocin that lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety and can even improve your memory.

  • TrKTrK Member

    @rattlecattle said:
    Sure. Why not.

    Sure, whynot is a town in Randolph, North Carolina.

  • TrKTrK Member

    Singer Billy Joel never sells front row seats in order to see the real fans right in front of him. He gives them away to random people in the cheap seats so that front row isn't always just wealthy people.

  • TrKTrK Member

    During a 2019 event, Bill Gates admitted that losing the mobile OS space to Android was his biggest mistake.

  • @TrK said:

    @rattlecattle said:
    Sure. Why not.

    Sure, whynot is a town in Randolph, North Carolina.


  • TrKTrK Member

    Bitcoin can handle 3 to 7 transactions per second, while Visa can handle more than 24,000 transactions per second. (obviously unverified)

  • TrKTrK Member

    In Nepal, Mount Everest is known as Chomolungma, meaning "Goddess Mother of Mountains."

  • TrKTrK Member

    The Icelandic for 'sleep' is sofa. :lol:

  • TrKTrK Member

    The U.S. joined Syria and Nicaragua as the only nations that aren't part of the Paris agreement to limit carbon emissions.

  • TrKTrK Member

    A bird's feathers weigh more than its entire skeleton.

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